Aviator Guy's Account Talk

Good News!!
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. House approved a $146 billion economic stimulus plan aimed at averting an election-year recession in part by sending tax-rebate checks to about 111 million Americans.
Lawmakers voted 385-35 to approve legislation that would also expand investment tax breaks for business and add capital to the slumping mortgage market by allowing federally chartered companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy mortgages above the current federal limit. Republican and Democratic lawmakers said the bill would give a much needed jolt to the sagging economy.:cool::cool:
Bad Pork related News.
A group of 22 senators, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, released a letter to congressional leaders today urging them to add $5 billion to the stimulus package for transportation-related projects.
Bad Pork related News.
A group of 22 senators, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, released a letter to congressional leaders today urging them to add $5 billion to the stimulus package for transportation-related projects.
Are you Shi$$in me? That would take a lot of nerve!:nuts:
Bad Pork related News.
A group of 22 senators, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, released a letter to congressional leaders today urging them to add $5 billion to the stimulus package for transportation-related projects.

Are you Shi$$in me? That would take a lot of nerve!:nuts:

Not for the Clintons!!! Hillary's "transportation-related projects" are probably for funding a discreet limo-service that will shuttle Monica L. and the rest of Bill's babes back and forth from the private back entrance of the White House. :D
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IMO, I don’t have a clue how the markets are going to react to a cut plus on top of the really bad GDP of only .6… For this reason, I’m out, moved to the G COB today.:cool::cool:

Whatever the Fed does Today, analysts said that further rate cuts are likely until the central bank is sure that the economy is back on sound footing. Bernanke pledged in a speech on Jan. 10 to take decisive action to combat a slowdown. Many economists believe the funds rate could fall to 2.5 percent before the Fed stops easing.
I think they'll go all the way to 2.0. Once the FED goes into cut mode, they don't stop for a long time. If that's really needed then I'm fine with that but they need to get it back up relatively soon afterwards to avoid re-playing this whole thing again. I just wish they would get in a good range, roughly where it is now, and move within a narrower range from like 2.75 to 3.50 rather than the girations from 1 to whatever. I guess that's not possible, I don't know.
Well, I have received the TSP newsletter stating my Oct, Nov and Dec IFT’s were excessive. I formally apologize to 99% of Federal employee’s for taking excessive IFT’s during this time period. My personal 2007 return was 12.26%.

Since I heard of their plan to limit our IFT’s to twice a month, I have tried the buy and hold TSP board strategy for 2008. That doesn’t seem to work very well LOL. Limiting our IFT’s to only twice a month will hurt my TSP account in a negative way. I noticed the TSP Talk website tracked 129 returns in 2007. Of those tracked returns, over 40% exceeded the S&P 500 annual return of 5.54%! :cool::cool:
-7.87 % for January!! Well, I tried to limit my IFT’s in Jan and had only 3 not counting moves to the G Fund. I wonder how much money I saved other TSP participants by only making 3 moves into stocks? Hmmmm, yeah, Not Much I would say…LOL :cool::cool:
Decided to jump out of stocks today back into the G fund. I moved into stocks three times this month and that is the max allowed by our TSP. So, I will be stuck in the G fund at least until March. I think starting in March; we’re only allowed to move into stocks twice!!! I really don’t like the IFT limits and it has already hurt my TSP account. But, the positive side is compare this to what we had back in the 1980’s and 1990’s, we were limited to only one per month and that was ONLY during the first trading day of the month. Now that was tough, but it was better than nothing. I still think the only people who will benefit from our IFT limits are the folks who won the contract to manage TSP. Less IFT’s will mean a higher profit margin for them and less profit for active participants in the TSP. Good luck with your TSP investments!:cool::cool:

Good News from big Blue!!
From Bloomberg…

IBM Plans $15 Billion Stock Buyback, Boosts Forecasts (Update1)
By Cesca Antonelli
Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- International Business Machines Corp., the world's biggest computer-services company, plans to buy back an additional $15 billion of its stock.
The buyback, which comes on top of $400 million remaining under its last repurchase plan, may lift earnings by 5 cents a share, IBM said today in a statement. The company raised its 2008 profit forecast to at least $8.25, from at least $8.20.
My IFT’s are only allowed if I mail it to the TSP after March 31st 2008. I have nothing to lose by making IFT’s until that time. Decided to move from C to G and sit on the sidelines for a while. :cool::cool:

Good News:
March 19 (Bloomberg) -- Visa Inc., the world's biggest credit-card network, soared 35 percent in its first day of trading after raising $17.9 billion yesterday, a record for U.S. initial public offerings.
Visa advanced $15 to $59 at 10:18 a.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite transactions. Underwriters sold 406 million shares of Visa for $44 each, according to a company statement yesterday. That's $2 more than the highest price predicted by San Francisco-based Visa in its prospectus.






























Some interesting facts from my Annual Activity Summary report sent by TSP for the year ending 2007…

Closing balance as of Dec 2007
Divided by
Lifetime Contributions = 303 Percent

303 Percent
Divided by
21 Years in TSP (since Jan 1987) = 14.2 percent average return per year.

2007 Personal Investment Performance = 11.37%

Note: This is the first time I have ever seen the TSP provide us with Lifetime Contributions. If you know your years in TSP, total balance and lifetime contributions, you can get a good snap shot of your average interest earned. Anyway, good luck with your TSP investments!!! :cool::cool:
I tried to jump from the “I” fund to the “G” fund last Friday, but missed getting it done at the online TSP, so I cancelled my request.. I’m staying in the “I” fund for now. I will ride this wave out for now.

I’m just happy to see the foreign markets advance once again. The worst is not over yet, but I think the markets are approaching a bottom. Our USA exports are surging due to the weak dollar over the last couple of years and that will help. On a personal note, I see this as a great opportunity to buy. In my family, I see at least three folks getting ready to pull the trigger on new cars this summer. I plan on buying a new laptop and a desktop computer. I also have been keeping my eye on the upcoming 2009 Toyota Prius. Hybrid. Rumor has it they will average over 60mpg in the city! My Toyota FJ only gets about 15! :cool::cool:
I attempted to move my money from the “I” fund to “G” fund 4-17-2008, but the TSP fired back the following…

The following errors have been encountered:

Attention: Your account has been restricted because you made more than three interfund transfers in February 2008. The TSP informed you of this restriction by certified letter dated March 13, 2008. Consequently, you may not request an interfund transfer using the TSP web site. Instead, you must request your IFT by mail using an Investment Allocation form.

I wanted to move my funds around earlier this month, but was unable because while TDY, my internet connection failed. So, this would have been my first IFT for the month. The TSP in their attempt to save pennies will cost my retirement account thousands of dollars. If a class action lawsuit develops from the retirement account restrictions, sign me up. Good luck with your now TSP buy and hold 2008 investing!! :cool::cool:
Welcome to the club.

I just tried to do an IFT on the Thriftline. That was denied, seeing as I'm a bad boy.

I attempted to move my money from the “I” fund to “G” fund 4-17-2008, but the TSP fired back the following…

The following errors have been encountered:

Attention: Your account has been restricted because you made more than three interfund transfers in February 2008. The TSP informed you of this restriction by certified letter dated March 13, 2008. Consequently, you may not request an interfund transfer using the TSP web site. Instead, you must request your IFT by mail using an Investment Allocation form.

I wanted to move my funds around earlier this month, but was unable because while TDY, my internet connection failed. So, this would have been my first IFT for the month. The TSP in their attempt to save pennies will cost my retirement account thousands of dollars. If a class action lawsuit develops from the retirement account restrictions, sign me up. Good luck with your now TSP buy and hold 2008 investing!! :cool::cool:
Welcome to the club.

I just tried to do an IFT on the Thriftline. That was denied, seeing as I'm a bad boy.

Once the denial page comes up, I've been saving the web page to demonstrate proof of my intentions, selections and ultimate denial.

Remember, the jobs not done until the paper work is done. ;)

Gas in Los Angeles is just a tad under 4 bucks a gallon… I tried to hold off until the new 2009 Prius rolled out, but I pulled the trigger on the 2008 model… Picked up a red one this week and it’s really cool when you’re stuck in traffic and run off off of the internal drive battery!!! It also takes a while getting familiar with the Toyota GPS. I think my portable Garmin is a lot better.:cool::cool:
I’m staying on the sidelines for now as my top focus is oil which is floating around 130. Our economy runs on oil and it keeps rising at an outrageous pace. OPEC could increase production, but they will continue putting the squeeze on until the world economies cascade downward.

So, as they say in Wall Street, “Sell in May and Go Away”…

Good luck with your TSP Investments.:cool::cool:
I’m going to keep a very close eye on stocks on Tuesday. I’m thinking about pulling the trigger and jumping back in for a few days if stocks go for another nose dive. I have my front gun sight focused on the “I” fund.:cool::cool: