Avatar problem - again


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:#Wonder Woman downsized an avatar for me, I got it onto the membership list, but it isn't showing up on the postings. I've logged out/in, turned everything off/on, but can't seem to shake the darn dog loose - She is Really going for a ride, I guess - - I need her back !!!! Ihate to have to chase her down on my skateboard -...!! :oo

Any suggestions/promptings on what step I might have missed?? I have bugged WW enuff this evening.

thanking everyone ahead of time - grandma

edit: well, thank you very much! Quick help !! As soon as I posted : here she is! ....as long as she stops in fromt of the house....!!

:dah:...except : why does it show up on some past messages, but not others??
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grandma wrote:
:#She is Really going for a ride, I guess - - I need her back !!!! Ihate to have to chase her down on my skateboard -...!! :oo

edit: well, thank you very much! Quick help !! As soon as I posted : here she is! ....as long as she stops in fromt of the house....!!
You didn't fill the car up, did you? :D
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grandma wrote:
I have bugged WW enuff this evening.
Sorry I had to leave when I did. You didn't bug me. It was no problem really. I was glad to help...... it's in my blood.
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The TSP site has not posted our deposit from Friday; the allocation we have coming out of our check. A call to them today resulted in blame on payroll; a call to payroll blamed TSP. This has never happened, but several of us checked and found it to be the case. Anyone had this occur? If we made money today it is costing us in share amount. Anyone have advice?
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smine wrote:
The TSP site has not posted our deposit from Friday; the allocation we have coming out of our check. A call to them today resulted in blame on payroll; a call to payroll blamed TSP. This has never happened, but several of us checked and found it to be the case. Anyone had this occur? If we made money today it is costing us in share amount. Anyone have advice?
I have no advice Susan, but I do have comment and a question. I've always updated my check book, and everything else usually, every day. I have noticed that every pay day, which is direct deposit, I have a dollar missing from my account then *poof* a week later it re-appears. I bank with a major national bank, if they do this with a few million accounts, un-beknownest to most, I wonder what they do with it................

Perhaps this is happening here too? Hmmmmmmmmmm Maybe that's how they keep the fees down, take that money, invest it in the G fund on the day you know it gets the penny, then take it out and put the money in everyone's account. Quick little profit, no questions.

IT's a conspiracy I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

Just kidding, or am I................