Off Topic:
I got an email from a another enginerd I know at a base in FL and he was telling that he was asked to work overtime and would be given comp time only. The way I have always understoond it is that OT is all paid, but, if you want too, you can opt for Comp Time. I've never seen Comp Time mandated by management.
He's a GS-11.
The GS-11 Lieutenants at our institution are in the same poop pile.
Administrations are requesting/expecting Comp Time be used in lieu
of OT due to their budgets and pressure from far above them. Some
are fighting , some are not. They can't make anyone work for Comp,
but thats only if you wish to stay in career purgatory for the years
it will take for those responsible to leave. And then, they may just
pass your doom to the next poor slob with budget woes.