Asylum's Account Talk

Ahh... getting started on some pre-birthday libations... with my home entertainment center!

Gin martinis with garlic stuffed olives... mm-mmm!!

Who's in??

I'll take a Matini please. Never had a gin martini with garlic stuffed olives but it sounds wonderful. I do like dirty martini's though. Think I'll fix a Manhattan, that sound good too.
I'll take a Matini please. Never had a gin martini with garlic stuffed olives but it sounds wonderful. I do like dirty martini's though. Think I'll fix a Manhattan, that sound good too.

careful with the garlic stuffed olives.. they are totally addictive.

I have all the stuff to make a Manhattan... even a bottle of Peychaud's Bitters..
Dirty (with Olive juice and 4 olives) Grey Goose isn't half bad if you like Vodka? Happy birthday, Hope you feel ok this morning!:sick:
Hey.. thank everyone!!!

Was a good weekend... Sat i rode 20 miles of sweet single track on my single speed mountain bike followed by a cookout.. legs are are feeling strong. I was getting ready for a 60 mountain bike ride up in north central AR next month (The Syllamo's Revenge) but found out that i have to go tdy for 2 weeks and will have to miss it. Oh well.. saves me 6+ hrs of pain I'm sure! :D

Rained all day today so opted to watch some Netflix and sip some brews...

First up:

oops... getting behind!

Working on "The End of the World" now... at 9% alcohol, it's prolly one of the better things to come out of French Canada.. :)


MY EYEZ!!!!1111

u hazz3lh0ff3d me!!!


Ok, seriously...

Staying put where I was COB Friday..

C - 10%
S - 40%
I - 50%

Hope to get out before the down turn.. dont wanna be this guy!!!

I got this today from the TSP folks and not ONE WORD about the IFT restrictions!!!

From: Thrift Savings Plan []
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:27 AM
To: Asylum@thelooneybin.guv'mnt
Subject: Thrift Savings Plan What's New Update

Please do not reply to this e-mail. The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) will not respond.

You have subscribed to GovDelivery to receive an e-mail when What's New has been updated on the TSP Web site. This information has recently been updated, and is now available .
Not surprising, many TSP participants have the attention span of a ant.

true.. not one of my coworkers is even interested in yet they will b!tch without end how they are losing money in their TSP accounts.

dork0rZ all.


..and me? i am happy as hell i found this li'l gem on teh intrawebs... esp after taking a boning in Jan.

i sure dont want to have to be eating this in meh old age!!!


Earned 0.16% today and my return since 4 Mar is 7.03%.

Couldn't have done it without every single poster on this site. Many, many thanks!


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