Wow, this thread got popular.
Does that mean we are all a bit concerned about 2011? Nah, of course not. We'll just bump into that palm tree when we get to it - sometime around the first pay period of 2011. Yuk, yuk.
Anyway, to get folks back on topic (not really a social thread - the numbers speak for themselves) here is what the tax code changes mean to you:
I used an inflation adjusted tax bracket from 2000 to estimate the 2011 tax brackets in 2009 dollars.
It is amazing that there is so much uncertainty left with less than six months till implementation. Will there be a marriage penalty? If so, will it be limited to the highest tiers? Will the poorest earners really get a 50% increase in their tax rate? Will the corporate tax rates increase (note: under Bush corporate tax revenue dramatically increased)? What will happen to inheritance? What about dividends and capital gains? Do the child credits revert? Renter’s credit? All of those questions – if left unanswered – will make my chart’s numbers worse. My chart assumed full standard deductions and didn’t take into account dividends and capital gains. It didn’t take into affect the new taxes for ObamaCare (some already in place).
As they say, your first 2011 pay period take home pay could be dramatically worse.
Get out of debt, and get more cash flow.