Well-known member
I'd never heard of Kress cycles before today. :embarrest: No need for red face, I never heard of Kress myself til last week or so. I was only familiar with Kondratieff's name. Now that I know the cycles are based on Fibonacci, I'd better dig into them more. Careful, cycles not based on Fibs, just the opposite, Fibs are subelements of cycles-from what I just read in one of the articles above.
And you, like Squale, are one of the tenured professors of the site!Aw shucks. :embarrest: I'm on such a steep learning curve myself, as Birch says, the teacher learns more than the students, e.g. having to talk about what I'm learning helps make it clearer in my own mind.
One small question to pick your brain again if I may. I've been doing a bit of research on RSI(2) and RSI(3), which appear to give good direction but have some whipsaws. I was struggling with the 1-2 day ups/2-3 day down sideways movement back in the fall, got so frustrated with the mini-shifts almost but not being predictable that I just backed off of trying to nibble. The article below uses the 2-day RSI [RSI(2)] as an entry signal when 1) the stock or ETF is above its 200-day moving average, AND 2) the RSI(2) signal drops below 2 on the scale-applies to stocks only; 3) the RSI(2) signal drops below 30 on the scale-applies to ETFs only.
apparently you can reasonably count on a short-term up move from there if those conditions are met. Link to that article is here.
I'm still grasping all the nuances, have to keep going back and re-reading the article, I've gotten a good grip on the concept of RSI(2) and concept of indicator dropping below 30, but keep forgetting the part about being above 200-day MA first, and keep forgetting the part about stock signal vs. ETF signal, so until I get those things straighter in my head I shouldn't be trying to use the RSI(2) for any big moves.
I know uses RSI(14) as its default, but that appears to be a bit slow in combination with my other preferred indicators. It appears that you are using RSI(10). Any special reason you picked that one?
Sorry I'm not being clear on that one, not using RSI(10) for anything. I'm experimenting with RSI(2) signal dropping to 10 or below on the scale for short-term moves (experimenting with my 5% of 5% new contributions). Kind of got it muddled up with the monthly RSI(14) indicator currently being below 30, even tho the monthly signals not rising yet which they should be doing before a serious move back into the market per that other article which Birch was all over already. Learning as I go, baby steps, fall down and laugh a little, try to stand up again. When you don't put a lot into the experiment it doesn't hurt a whole lot when it doesn't work-learning. Babies are a lot closer to the ground,when they fall down it doesn't hurt that much, just a little ego-bruise. :toung: