anidoc, IMO, The G is paying today
Either today or tomorrow. I think 350z's calcs also show better odds of paying today, while mine show better odds of paying tomorrow.
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anidoc, IMO, The G is paying today
I went ahead and jumped into the I...any one else coming with me?
I'm in also.
Personally I hate the I Fund and I think this is a one day wonday wonder. I just went back to 100% F Fund. This isn't based on charts etc. just instinct. I really believe the market will drop before the day is over and many will fall into the trap again.
Best of Luck !!!!
I agree and what makes this different is that Helicopter Ben didn't ride in with rate cut. I like the "thinking outside the box" move here giving what amounts to an "end-around" move to prop up the finacial system and boosting the dollar and cutting the legs out from underneath the oil speculation all in one swoop. Wow.
Looks like a sustained rally.![]()
Looking at the markets. The I fund is a NO-BRAINER for tomorrow. The Yen carry trade came back in a big way. Japan should have a big night tonight. With the Dow up 260 already, there is less chance of a +FV.
March 11, 2008
There will be no John Galt-like solutions from this gang of bureaucrats and politicians. The government [taxpayers] is taking over the management of markets [Moral Hazard be damned] as noted in this release per Bloomberg:
“The Fed said in a statement it is establishing a new Term Securities Lending Facility to, through weekly auctions, lend as much as $200 billion of Treasuries to primary dealers for 28 days, instead of overnight as it currently does. The loans may be secured by collateral including agency and private mortgage- backed securities, the Fed said.” [emphasis added].
The sentence in bold indicates that collateral may include “…non-agency AAA/Aaa rated private-label residential MBS [Mortgage-backed Securities].” This “may” account for those securities still maintaining high ratings even though they’re junk. [see other Bloomberg story here.] Does that smack of government pressure and collusion with rating agencies to maintain high ratings so the Fed could take-in these securities as collateral when in fact these companies needed bailouts? Circumstantial evidence argues strongly that it does. In fact, the bottom line of what happened today is the Fed swapped Treasury Bonds for junk mortgage bonds. It will help WS banks and their balance sheets but not necessarily solve the housing problems. And who will eat the difference? You!
I wrote over the weekend that rumors were swirling that a big rescue package was in the works and it has come to pass. Add to this the likelihood of interest rate cuts next week and the Fed/Treasury will have fired all of their your ammo.
The team of Bernanke and Paulson are clear they will do whatever it took with your money to monetize junk debt to bailout their WS friends. There will be a large tab for this down the road.
This morning I looked at conditions overseas and noted Europe was up substantially with the only ascribed reason being the hackneyed hope for more interest rate cuts. But that didn’t seem credible. Since so many players in Europe and the US are involved in this bailout scheme some traders certainly knew. Also, this news was released before the opening, which has become the Fed’s habit, to inflict as much pain to shorts as possible. No question, this is a big time short-squeeze.
Hi 350,
You think this is a safe "Plan" (re: our F-Fund assets) - that out F-Fund will stay safe/reliable in general?
I guess I'm concerned that this "Plan" may degrade, and put the F-Fund in jeopardy. I may be over-reacting here, or do you think there could be/ maybe have other unintendended negative effects)? Think our F-Fund will remain safe?? :worried:
Forgive me for asking, but you are the most knowledgeable, likely wisest, person on the F-Fund that I know to ask!!
PS Above written, I expect as you were posting almost same below - so seems similar concern!!!
This is just like the TAF but with a 28 day due date. Now, if the Feds elects to roll-over these TSLF loans every 28 days, the F fund could be in for some serious trouble.
Now why couldn't CNBC have given us this rumor - I went out got back home went to sleep for a few hours and then WTF the Market is up over 400+ are you kidding me. I thought it was a glitch so I turned to Bloomberg and got the news.
No one would ever think the market would jump like this. To those in the C, S and I today congrats. Sure went up fast what was that line.
Bet fast won't last bet slow sure to go!!!!- you need luck and in this case today while catching my G penny I am not upset. I think being 100% F Fund tomorrow might be a problem but there could be profit takers. How can anyone trust this market. Damn now the F Fund will be a problem.
ANd now to really get me going the G Fund doesn't pay !!!!!!!!!
7 days and counting. ...tomorrow is 8.