To be perfectly honest... instead of doing my own homework, I was looking to find a shortcut and followed some bad technical analysis reasons for why the dollar would go to 72 in relatively quick order... I was trying to "get my money back" in the fake account (thank goodness it's a practice/fake account -- and I was playing with money in amounts I was OK with losing in real life -- which ain't much

). This has been a humbling lesson and I guess I am better off for it. I still get to play because they will fix the mistake but I gotta take a step back and get back to doing better work. So, to answer your question it was laziness or stupidity.... take your pick. But it wasn't the first time and probably not the last.
I also shouldn't have tried to extrapolate this to the tsp account... I shouldn't have done that... it was dumb! at one time, I was top 20 in the tracker and I have cool cap and coffee mug for my efforts... now?, well let's just say I make the top 100 possible.
OK enough crying in my beer... good golfing weather 'round here.