350zCommtech's Account Talk

The market is trying to pull in a few more shorts before the steel gate comes down. We could easily take back all of yesterday when they get squeezed.
Just news or an announcement is not enough to cause a rally anymore, one way or another. Short term excitment simply leads to getting kicked in the shorts.:suspicious:
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PPT was out working hard all night and now this morning trying to ignite a short squeeze. Big move in the YEN in the last hour. F fund getting kicked in the shorts. PPI up .8? Core PPI up .4? That is BS. They are trying to suggest that what they have been doing is working and maybe, we are going to come out of this deflation. That is horseshit.

Outside of food and energy, there were increases for pharmaceuticals, light trucks and passenger cars and civilian aircraft.

Look at the TNX. Yesterday's kiss back of the 20 dma should have sent yields down today. When the PPT is working, throw out all charts.
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