350zCommtech's Account Talk

It will happen and the news released on Sunday night....just like they did with Bear-Sterns.:nuts:

Actually - - - there were two announcements of W doing a presto/chango on his TARP position (at 10:30 and noon); but I didn't see them - - - and for a practical matter it was after our 9 am IFT deadline so there I go and tried to catch a dip in I-fund that never happened (bailout baked in, dollar holds). I was sorta surprised at the mid-day announcement - - - since UAW didn't offer up a dime. And W caves anyway, (W for wimp). Guess somebody knew somethin.

Oh well - I picked up some F-fund on the cheap; that was my original thought anyway. Delays the inevitable - - - at some point - - - this political influence, and the associated money, is going to stop.
GS down 2.85% while the markets are green. Hanks former/future employer knows something?

I'm glad I couldn't make a move this morning.
Profitability resides in the ride ahead. The biggest surprise for the majority would be for a day to day advance in the face of all the gloom and doom.
Profitability resides in the ride ahead. The biggest surprise for the majority would be for a day to day advance in the face of all the gloom and doom.

It seemed rather natural for the market to take a breather after a 24% rally. It stopped just short of the 50 SMA, and moved sideways for a couple days. The intraday bounce off of 850 today is quite promising. Glad I put in 50% today. Can't buy more until January but in this bearish environment, I am content to keep half safe in G. Looking for a breakout to the upside next week...next stop...1000.
It seemed rather natural for the market to take a breather after a 24% rally. It stopped just short of the 50 SMA, and moved sideways for a couple days. The intraday bounce off of 850 today is quite promising. Glad I put in 50% today. Can't buy more until January but in this bearish environment, I am content to keep half safe in G. Looking for a breakout to the upside next week...next stop...1000.

I'm hoping for one more leg down next week to the 800-825 level then off to the races!
There is a good chance the Fed will cut on Tuesday. According to the credit markets, the Fed could probably cut all the way to ZERO. But with FFR at 1%, he'll probably just cut .25%. I don't think it really matters but with it being OPEX week, it will be another wacky, manic-depressive week. The market will be kinda like a woman during her special time of the month.:D
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Emergency rescue plan for British motor industry

From The Times
December 13, 2008

A financial rescue package for Britain’s motor industry was being put together last night, mirroring efforts in Washington to save America’s three big carmakers from collapse.
Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, and Alistair Darling, the Chancellor, may offer bridging loans on commercial terms to vehicle and component manufacturers and wider guarantees for loans from banks.
The peer is in regular contact with the industry, which has reached a crisis point. Several carmakers plan extended shutdowns over Christmas, leaving them with vastly reduced sales income but with salaries and other bills still to pay.
Suppliers, many of them small companies, are demanding weekly payments to secure their cashflows and stay in business. One firm, Wagon, has gone into administration with the loss of 500 jobs. If the supply chain crumbles, tens of thousands of jobs will be lost. The components industry supports 115,000 workers, while manufacturing employs 190,000 and the whole industry, including retail, 850,000.

More fun and games with the Yen as it hovers above 90. The tankan survey shows that business conditions have been tank'in, which helps the BOJ keep pressure on the Yen, which is good for the Nikkei. As strange as seems, it's just the way the Yen carry trade works.

With the interest rate at .30%, further cuts by the BOJ are meaningless, but yet, the Nikkei is up 400+ points. As I have stated many times before, 90 is the line in the sand. Lets see how long they can keep it up, or whether we will see 80 soon.
In that culture it is the highest form of disprespect to show some one your shoes or sandals......that is also why it is so humbling and a sign of respect to wash someones feet.
In that culture it is the highest form of disprespect to show some one your shoes or sandals......that is also why it is so humbling and a sign of respect to wash someones feet.

Show the bottom of your shoes/sandals to someone else. I'm reading a book I recently acquired about the differences between Middle Eastern and Western culture and worldviews irrespective of Islam. There are ME Christians with similar cultural worldviews that go back thousands of years.

In Jesus' time, it was slaves who washed the feet of guests, and why Peter objected to Jesus offering to wash disciples' feet-that is until Jesus insisted and told Peter to knock it off, unless Peter wanted to opt out of Jesus' gameplan. Peter chilled right then and there.
Too bad he missed. Twice! :nuts:

Again...This is too funny.:D In some cultures, throwing a shoe at somebody is a sign of disrespect.

That is awful that this was done to a honest man who has his heart in the right place.

It is very disrespectful to our great country and of course the blame-America-first crowd loved it and want to show it over and over.