Japan MOF Shinohara: FX Moves Excessive
Fri, Dec 12 2008, 05:03 GMT
Japan MOF Shinohara: FX Moves Excessive
TOKYO -(Dow Jones)- The Japanese finance ministry's top bureaucrat on currency matters Friday expressed concerns about the dollar's rapid fall against the yen.
"I can't comment on foreign exchange intervention, but the currency moves are excessive and I'm concerned about it," Naoyuki Shinohara, vice finance minister for international affairs told a group of reporters.
At 0444 GMT, the yen stood at Y89.62 against the dollar following the failure of Senate talks on a $14 billion deal to rescue the U.S. auto industry.
-By Takeshi Takeuchi, Dow Jones Newswires; 813-5255-2929;
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December 12, 2008 00:03 ET (05:03 GMT)
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