350zCommtech's Account Talk

I posted this in Poolman's account, but I'll do it again here for everybody's enjoyment. I just watch it again in it's entirety and I was ROFLMA. :laugh:

Gotta memorize that guy's name: Peter Schiff. Its completely amazing that he so accurately predicted the future up to the present and comical as to how everyone else was so wrong. Its also pretty creepy to think that if he was so right up to this point, that what he's saying may follow in the coming months needs strong consideration.
Gotta memorize that guy's name: Peter Schiff. Its completely amazing that he so accurately predicted the future up to the present and comical as to how everyone else was so wrong. Its also pretty creepy to think that if he was so right up to this point, that what he's saying may follow in the coming months needs strong consideration.

I heard him say reluctantly DJIA

4000 - 6000

MOT Say's next stop 5000

Keep this in the Back of your Mind when being bombarded with the Data.

Have Fun. :D
I heard him say reluctantly DJIA

4000 - 6000

MOT Say's next stop 5000

Keep this in the Back of your Mind when being bombarded with the Data.

Have Fun. :D

I just listed to his 11/19 vids on YouTube. 6 of them. He paints a really dim picture for the future, accuses Ben of lying to congress and advocates investing in gold and foriegn stocks with no exposure to US financials.

Very smart guy. If half of what he says comes true you will need your food storage.
Activists strip off for animal rights:D

View attachment 5141

An activists of the animal rights group "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" (PETA) speaks to a journalist during a campaign event against fur trade in Moscow Nov. 24, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
Not PETA in Russia again, bah. They don't have good quality thermal insulation clothing in Russia, instead they mostly have knockoffs that look good but leave you cold; name brand thermal is wayyy too expensive. They wear furs because they need to, not because they want to look furry! The Russians think PETA are loony secret pawns for Dow and other manufacturers of Thinsulate and the like (yes I am not joking).
The UK pulled the market up but Europe is pulling it down. VIX is getting close to support. This rally should end soon. Perhaps in about 30 mins, once the UK and Europe closes.
The UK pulled the market up but Europe is pulling it down. VIX is getting close to support. This rally should end soon. Perhaps in about 30 mins, once the UK and Europe closes.
Perhaps you can shed some light on WHY the market has been up the last two days. I can't find a single reason.:suspicious:
The markets bounced off oversold conditions thanks to the Feds latest Gazillion dollar bailout announcements.

Nice, I hope American investors realize the "loss" that is going to happen when our government can't reap the taxes they need to pay off these self-fulfillied loans. Oh wait, they'll just write themselves more money. Society one day will read about these times as a textbook requirement in ethics. "A Study in Ethical Economics" - How the United States of America's government proved the case that economies backed by finite taxpayers don't win.
Activists strip off for animal rights:D


An activists of the animal rights group "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" (PETA) speaks to a journalist during a campaign event against fur trade in Moscow Nov. 24, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

From another view: