350zCommtech's Account Talk

Hi 350Z-

If Denninger's "Market Ticker" website isn't on your reading list, it should be. Yes, he's very opinionated and somewhat extreme- he's also been very right lately. He's got archives available that are also enlightening.

It is. His videos are very good too. I've posted a few of his videos already.:)
Denninger said:
"The IMF is now stating that there are three nations that are insolvent now, and there will be more. You can bet on it.
Amazingly, The United States is not anywhere in the worst shape here. While we certainly have our problems those over in Europe are much greater, but they're also distributed - not every nation over there is in an equal amount of trouble."

Are the above nations problems our bad paper? Or did they make the same boneheaded loans we did?

Is the USA the cause of this or were we just the bad example that other nations followed? (If Johnny jumps off a bridge...?)
Are the above nations problems our bad paper? Or did they make the same boneheaded loans we did?

Is the USA the cause of this or were we just the bad example that other nations followed? (If Johnny jumps off a bridge...?)

I heard European and Asian countries heavily invested in the US financial stock market. Just like we have Barclay managing the TSP, they got the US banks and IBs managing their retirement funds or their savings. Some of them got billions invested in the US banks.
I think the up 900 was actually a panic buy (a term not used often) and now reality sets in. But IMO I will take the up 900 down 300 days as long as we have an upward trend.

I think we have at least 2 more huge up swings this month.

I hope that you are right about the up trend.

I just don't have a good feeling about it. The bond market is scaring the crap out of me. Yesterday, for example, as the markets sold off from 400+ to -76, bond yields actually closed up on a high. Where did the money go? And today, we are seeing the same thing. Market down 300 points but bond yields are up significantly. This is not normal.

I hope that I'm wrong but we might be headed for an "OH ****!" moment. The IFT limits is killing us in this situation.
Karl D. has been warning about forthcoming bond market dislocation for some time, if banks' solvency statuses (stati?) are not brought into the light instead of being enabled to keep playing "pretend" with all the liquidity. Lending is not happening, banks all playing poker w/each other, nobody knows what cards the other bank is holding. Nobody's willing to bet, nobody's willing to call. Everybody's just sitting there having a staredown at each other.
I hope that you are right about the up trend.

I just don't have a good feeling about it. The bond market is scaring the crap out of me. Yesterday, for example, as the markets sold off from 400+ to -76, bond yields actually closed up on a high. Where did the money go? And today, we are seeing the same thing. Market down 300 points but bond yields are up significantly. This is not normal.

I hope that I'm wrong but we might be headed for an "OH ****!" moment. The IFT limits is killing us in this situation.

You are right I have no clue where that F Fund will go but is it possible for it to drop to $8.

I should have moved to the G yesterday and I really don't believe America was shocked at retail reports seriously it was an excuse to sell but I see the big boys moving in and really putting targets on specific stocks. I would say the small caps are really in trouble which now leaves us with the C Fund.....WTF or the I Fund if you roll the dice. I should have stayed in the G Fund all year LoL less stress and better gains which is pathetic since with inflation the value actually drops with that 4 cents per month.:nuts:
Bernanke, "Crisis will end when trust is restored".

No **** Ben. Myself and everybody with half a brain have been saying that all along. So, why don't you force everybody to come clean so the markets can have transparency and move on?

My wild ass guess: If that happens, Hanks friends on Wall St. will be/are insolvent.:laugh:
Bernanke, "Crisis will end when trust is restored".

No **** Ben. Myself and everybody with half a brain have been saying that all along. So, why don't you force everybody to come clean so the markets can have transparency and move on?

My wild ass guess: If that happens, Hanks friends on Wall St. will be/are insolvent.:laugh:
350Z....I could not have said it better.....I just got back from a meeting where everyone was talking about Bernanke, and I said he was an overpaid parrot!!!
Here's to you 1/2+more brain.....:laugh:
So, why don't you force everybody to come clean so the markets can have transparency and move on?

For some incredible reason I keep trying to PRETEND it's China in the exact same position - and how the US Americans would feel then.

My guess is if they forced EVERYBODY TO COME CLEAN - that a huge percentage of high government officials would be forced out of office; that ties between the most powerful Bank/Financial Execs and the INNER CIRCLE would expose corruption of a magnitude that would basically force us to start all over - and we'd be at a total loss of how to make that happen. That both (M) and (O) would have to admit to being tied to the mess and possibly disqualified to run.

If it were China - I would say - there is NO ROOM for cover ups; expose it all and deal with it. I therefore have to say the same for us.
My guess is if they forced EVERYBODY TO COME CLEAN - that a huge percentage of high government officials would be forced out of office; that ties between the most powerful Bank/Financial Execs and the INNER CIRCLE would expose corruption of a magnitude that would basically force us to start all over - and we'd be at a total loss of how to make that happen. That both (M) and (O) would have to admit to being tied to the mess and possibly disqualified to run.

If it were China - I would say - there is NO ROOM for cover ups; expose it all and deal with it. I therefore have to say the same for us.[/quote]

AMEN Steady! Rat on! I been awishin' an'a hope'in and praying for that to happen.
We should be O.K. F - Fund made money today.

Yield's did drop late day. 350Z was correct when the market was down 300 and the yield was Higher than yesterday. It scared me to. I went all G today. Now I have no more IFT'S.

We should be O.K. F - Fund made money today.

Yield's did drop late day. 350Z was correct when the market was down 300 and the yield was Higher than yesterday. It scared me to. I went all G today. Now I have no more IFT'S.


Yup, mortgage rates are continuing to rise. They have been going up since the FNM/FRE bailout.

Here's the TNX. It doesn't look for the F fund or the market.

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