200 day

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Welcome Tea! Both have rebounded in the past at these levels (200 dma) but this time it does appear to be a trend change, to downside.
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Flipping of the oil contract on Friday.

Happens everyoptions expiration.

Will trend higher again on Monday.
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Tea essinmypee wrote: Administrator

Any rules on using urine as part of your screen name?
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:D I'll have to check the rules on that one. I didn't even notice. I only banned one person because of their name. Can't repeat it.

How about if I change it to "P"? Would that be OK? Tea? DMA?
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re·pug·nant (P )Pronunciation Key (r
  1. Arousing disgust or aversion; offensive or repulsive: morally repugnant behavior
OK I will change it to stop any waste of time for you.

How about "sugarandspice" Tom?
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Hmmmm, market has been up this week so that usually brings out the doom and gloom folks. I wonder........................:%
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I admit I was a bit startled when I saw it after work last night! I found myself trying to pronounce it different ways to see if there was a message there about stocks & our funds....

:iI finally decided it is the name of a Florida swamp.

:h(-no pun intended!)

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I don't know if I can trust my cup of "Earl Grey, Hot" again :s. Switching to "Synthale".
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As long as it's healthy green tea what does it matter. He's probably an Englishman-some kind of nobility. Maybe he can help us make money.
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Tea essinmypee= T S in my P see little play on words .....TSP

Is this really what time is spent on here? I have read some good info on here but this seems to be a monumental waste of time.

TOM, Please change me to SUGARANDSPICE as soon as possible to stop the agony of all
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Good one, T S & P!

Mostly only bythose who don't know much about themarkets -- like me??
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Tea essinmypee wrote:
Tea essinmypee= T S in my P see little play on words .....TSP

Is this really what time is spent on here? I have read some good info on here but this seems to be a monumental waste of time.

TOM, Please change me to SUGARANDSPICE as soon as possible to stop the agony of all
Kinda agravatin' aint it? Yeah, this is the kind of group we have here... believe me, when the market get's out of this trading range and breaks to the upside, we can go back to telling fibs about how great our systems are! :^
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tsptalk wrote:
:D I'll have to check the rules on that one. I didn't even notice. I only banned one person because of their name. Can't repeat it.

How about if I change it to "P"? Would that be OK? Tea? DMA?
This is your board my friend.

But "Tea is in my Pee" is either a strange Indian name (Native American), a person with a urinary tract problem or just trying to be to cute.

Odds are it the one person you banned is back.

Colon Spray and Tea in my Pee.

They appear to have the bodily functions covered, oh no I guess the next choice is orgasmveryharditfeelsgood?

Have to go with Grandma, on this one, no matter how you pronounce it, you get the same thing. Offensive as a Florida Swamp.
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I have already noticied some people doing that by reading old posts about the outstanding results of these "systems."
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If I were going to use your last suggestion for a username-why play around-put multiple in front of it. This will probably get deleted-oh well. It's like making money-some will never get the technique right.
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Appears I started off on the right foot here.

It may be to cute.

Not going to tell you what DMA means :shock:.

Funny I cut a birchtree down yesterday :shock::shock:.

Anyway your slice it pee means only one thing :shock::shock::shock:.

No matter how cute.:^
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Tea essinmypee wrote:
TOM, Please change me to SUGARANDSPICE as soon as possible to stop the agony of all
Ts&P - thank you for the clarification - it was driving me crazy!! ...that shows how much I know even about our plan, because that is the one thing I didn't come up with! So why make such a drastic change in your name? Your play on words can still be efffective w/only aminor change in speling - (I pm'd before I read this post)

Tom, let it stay - - go for pea--------- (you know we have been discussing the effectiveness of toilets -):'

And, I for one, need some relief from the agony of this stock market! How can I be in G/ I, the I be up 23 cents, and my amt for the day be -39 ??? (according to my spreadsheet.):X