200 day

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Uhhh my system must be pretty goodddd.....I gotta 1191.88 as the peak from weeks ago......but has been expected for 2 days........today close is 1191.09 I think.....

Just gotta figgure out what my system is telling me......then I can get you the Preacher WW.....do one thing thought WW....find out what thaT DMA does for a living before you get hitched........and don't forget, get his nammmmmmmmme!!!!

What a day.......hic...

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The Technician wrote:
Just gotta figgure out what my system is telling me......then I can get you the Preacher WW.....do one thing thought WW....find out what thaT DMA does for a living before you get hitched........and don't forget, get his nammmmmmmmme!!!! What a day.......hic... :dude:
Sorry again Technician but I couldn't resist. No way Technician.... I'm immunized against >>
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Uhhh.....hey WW, does that have sompthin to do with that "Just say no".....stuff??:)

Want to see a cheap smile.....:D.....its shi#$Y ain't it!!!:l

If you see one of those darling.......run.......!!!!!

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Don't think so Tech but then again I'm not sure what you meant.
I'm not sure what I meant either.........
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The Technician wrote:
Uhh....u guys must be in love at first site!!!!!:^
Its DMA and Wonderwoman.....now when is the wedding!!!!:shock: :dude:
I can't wait for DMA to get back on the board to find out he is hitched
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WW I like the graphics!

Tomorrow should me more like today. No trend.

The real market will show on Monday.

:DOptions Friday's. I stay away.

Most of the gain in the DOW and S&P 500 was GM and Exxon.

Take those two out and we had a pretty horrible day in the C Fund.

Short covering on GM and longs getting in XOM prior to the OIH contract flip tomorrow.
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Hey Wonder Woman,

Remember that Del Shannon song "Runaway". How about the Beatles "Yesterday"

All songs to comfort the Bears that are still trying to hold their positions. Tomorrow will probably be a squeeze the shorts day and give all bears more than a headache. The market had a 2/1 ratio today. I need to get my feet down from the furniture and do some shopping in the bear patch. I can't believe that guy Spaf, he actually mentioned rocket ship today-trying or teasing the G fund folks.

I think tomorrow I'll see if I can entice that Cowboy to wave his red bandanna and see if it creats a herd movement. The Bulls are fed and ready to stomp.
