here one for ya 12%
from trader's
The decennial cycle is one of the most powerful cycles i know of.Its easy to trade.You enter the S&P on june 30 of the year ending in 2 you stay long until the end of july in the year 7.Stay out of the market from end of july until end of november in the year 7.Buy the S&P dec 1 in the year 7.Stay long until the end of the year 9.Get back in june 30 in the year 2.If you had traded this cycle since 1900 1 dollar invested in the s&p would be worth $6680.00 if you had invested 1 dollar in 1900 and just held on your dollar would be worth $148.00.A awareness of the decennial cycle would have produced 44.9 times the return.The average decline in a year ending in 7 since 1887 is 27%.Look at the following 1887 down20%,1897down24%,1907down48% 1917down40%,1927down10%,1937down49%,1947down24%,1957down19%,1967down25% 1977 down26%, 1987down35%,1997down13% It may be just a coincidence or it might be the strongest cycle there is.This along with the fact that the two most important cycles are the 60 and 90 year cycles which would line up with 1917 and 1947.Yes im short and expect a major decline to start by sept 23.People who think they have wittnessed fear in this market are dead wrong.I was a broker during 1987,brokers hung up and went home although some needed a ambulance to take them to the hospital.Some were so shaken they couldn't unlock there cars without scratching the hell out of them.You have had a shot accross the bow.Heed the warning,Bernanke can not save you.Get out while you have the chance.A crash in the internet age should be quite the show.And don't forget about the 17 year mideast war cycle just kicking in now and peaking in summer of o8.Gold cycles of 1.1 2.5 and 6.5 all do to peak in the beginnig of 08.Look at the market today gold up, oil up, and the market up.Decide which one is lying.There is that bearish enough.And no the world is not going to end.Its just a bear cycle.BAD VOO DOO