Yes, the more data I read, the more I am thinking that a economic recession is going to occur. There has to be a fallout with all this surplus of real estate and bad lending. Although, I think we will have a run. Once earnings start to come out, you will see how bad it really is. Even if the Fed cuts rates, it will help the economy to a certain point. It is like breaking down on a main road, the towtruckdriver will take you to a gas station;however the rest is up to you. The towtruck driver is Ben..Anyway, the inventory problem is growing everyday. Also when was the last time the OSMs and USMs were down for the year. I will tell when ...2002, that is 5 years ago. We are overdue for a pause. I think we will break new highs and then retest ..don't laugh 10000-11000. Lending effects our driven power as a consumer. No money to buy products means inventory problems. Just look at the consumer conf. number. Horrible!!
Although the Consumer Confidence index remains at relatively high levels, further erosion would be a problem for the economy. Since consumer spending accounts for approximately two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, spendthrift shoppers would put the brakes on economic growth.