12%ayear's Account Talk

Staying fully invested for next week. My gut is telling me ,we will breakout on the FED. Today,futures are down because of yields,however; I think it is a non-event because there are no reports coming out today. We should shake this off and close in the postive zone. Next week, we will see new high in the DJIA.IMO....place your bets!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend everyone. Now, the S Fund is lagging because the NASDAQ has been flat. SO, the S Fund is the place to be next week..IMO

I appreciate your analysis and opinion. Thank you!

Staying fully invested for next week. My gut is telling me ,we will breakout on the FED. Today,futures are down because of yields,however; I think it is a non-event because there are no reports coming out today. We should shake this off and close in the postive zone. Next week, we will see new high in the DJIA.IMO....place your bets!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend everyone. Now, the S Fund is lagging because the NASDAQ has been flat. SO, the S Fund is the place to be next week..IMO
Great analysis and it provides much food for thought. I hadn't put all the pieces together (who has?) to see what this economy is doing, but I sure do appreciate the Talkers who take the time to give insight.

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This is good today. Although, I hate losing money,but the bottom-line this is a pure shakeout. Next week,we will rally hard. The Fed. is the key and they will become less hawish and more dovish. At any rate, do not like days like today bring you down. I will be 100% in the S Fund all next week. Money will be made.
See the stock pick I give the forum IRBT..IROBOT.. closed today over 20 bucks. I gave it out 15.54. Up 29% in less than 2 months not bad. Here is what I did bought 6000 shares price 15.54..3000 shares were on margin and 3000 shares were my capital. So far, I am up $4.49 per shares X 6000 = a gross profit of $26,940 before commission and interest. Not bad in less than 2 months using other peoples money!!! Still holding all shares with a stop placed at 19.24....Next play to watch..NFLX looks like a short to me. Blockbuster is giving them a run. They lowered price and have BLU-ray DVDs......http://yahoo.reuters.com/news/articl...mktNews&rpc=44 NFLX 19.68
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This week will be huge. Staying in stocks all week. Fed is done with inflation talk for now. Watch the rally.
There is a tendancy for stocks to make a big move after the Fed announcement, then reverse the other way in the days that follow. Are you thinking there will be a big move leading up to Thursday's meeting, or the meeting will cause the rally?

The following week, 4th of July, is historically strong.
There is a tendancy for stocks to make a big move after the Fed announcement, then reverse the other way in the days that follow. Are you thinking there will be a big move leading up to Thursday's meeting, or the meeting will cause the rally?

The following week, 4th of July, is historically strong.
IMO before and after
Hang stuff everyone. This is the kind of market, You have to be in ,to win it. Many will sideline and miss the rally. So, we got whacked 3% in 3 weeks. My account is the same as the 3rd week of May. I lost my gains from the last and first week of June. At any rate, I will be fully invested before and after the FED meeting. Will go to the sideline sometime next week. This is how money is made, when everyone is running scared. Anyway, that is why do not follow me and hold me accountable for your actions. I am willing to take the risk because I established a healthy buffer zone. Thick skin is needed in markets like this. So, do not panic if you are down a tad........patience and guts will take you to the next level.
Hang stuff everyone. This is the kind of market, You have to be in ,to win it. Many will sideline and miss the rally. So, we got whacked 3% in 3 weeks. My account is the same as the 3rd week of May. I lost my gains from the last and first week of June. At any rate, I will be fully invested before and after the FED meeting. Will go to the sideline sometime next week. This is how money is made, when everyone is running scared. Anyway, that is why do not follow me and hold me accountable for your actions. I am willing to take the risk because I established a healthy buffer zone. Thick skin is needed in markets like this. So, do not panic if you are down a tad........patience and guts will take you to the next level.
EDIT....Lost all my gains from the last week of May and first week of June
12% where exactly are you parked right now? I'm new and trying to learn the lingo so bear with me. ( no pun intended)

12%, In members accounts it still says 100 I . I just want to make sure I did not miss anything. I value an enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work!
12%, In members accounts it still says 100 I . I just want to make sure I did not miss anything. I value an enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work!
Yes, I think they are in the I Fund. However;I beat my own drums and call it the way I see it. Sometimes we are on the same page and other times we are not. GL..BTW , the NASDAQ is way oversold....that is the reason why I am in the S Fund.
I'm confused... You say you are in the S fund 100%.. However, your Account thread as of 6/21 (your last entry) says 100% I.. Am I also missing something??? :confused: