12%ayear's Account Talk

I had no doubt you'd be right on, as usual. I currently have a percentage in I, and, like Mojo said, may have to add some (more) -but that big FVtomorrow will take a big wet bite (oh well). The OSMs may also help out the USMs. Hope so! -Nice!
VR :)
it is only 18 cents.
anyone think the overnight rise in LIBOR will spook the markets? In effect, doesn't the rise in LIBOR delay or negate the Fed cuts in assisting those looking to refi? Also, doesn't higher LIBOR make a tighter lending environment between financial institutions?
anyone think the overnight rise in LIBOR will spook the markets? In effect, doesn't the rise in LIBOR delay or negate the Fed cuts in assisting those looking to refi? Also, doesn't higher LIBOR make a tighter lending environment between financial institutions?

I don't think it directly affects borrowing between US banks. The Fed controls these rates, which were recently dropped to 3%, I believe, with the .75% "emergency" cut and the 0.5% cut at the FOMC. I'm not sure about borrowing between US and foreign banks - this probably would be directly affected by LIBOR.
Hey 12 have you been checking out that SOLF after it got hammer down from about $34?? Chinese - solar fun ? Hey what the hell if it makes money.
Calling the bottom here. This morning will have a little drop followed by a rally. IMO we see 13000s before 11000s. The I Fund is the place to be now. It is lagging behind big.I see the I FUND turn postive before the other funds. The US DOLLAR will not start the uptrend until the later part of the year. Too many bears out there. I am very bullish from here. See you at 13200.
Calling the bottom here. This morning will have a little drop followed by a rally. IMO we see 13000s before 11000s. The I Fund is the place to be now. It is lagging behind big.I see the I FUND turn postive before the other funds. The US DOLLAR will not start the uptrend until the later part of the year. Too many bears out there. I am very bullish from here. See you at 13200.
read the 2nd sentence. Bull run starts today back into the 13000s before 11999. I will just stay in the I FUND and enjoy playing with my Chess Club.
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12%, hope you can help with this.

I never got a letter. Despite all the talk about the limits in ITFs, I figured I'd just keep making them until they told me to stop and have already done more than they warned others about.

So for the ones who did not get a letter - ya think it's OK???

12%, hope you can help with this.

I never got a letter. Despite all the talk about the limits in ITFs, I figured I'd just keep making them until they told me to stop and have already done more than they warned others about.

So for the ones who did not get a letter - ya think it's OK???

Yes I do Steadygains,

I did not get a letter either, and that is how I'm going to IFT. I'm not worried about being stopped in the least.


for the one's that did get a letter, even if I did get a letter I would not worry about it. Come on the Tsp50 Thread has already got me convinced they are not prepared to follow through.

To the MB In General..... Stop worrying until you have something to worry about.

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12%, Hey sorry for answering in your post but I'm pretty pissed about the matter.

I couldn't help myself. :)

Please reply to SteadyGain, afterall he is asking you ! :)
12%, Hey sorry for answering in your post but I'm pretty pissed about the matter.

I couldn't help myself. :)

Please reply to SteadyGain, afterall he is asking you ! :)

Actually - I'm asking anyone so that's cool man. Peace man. I was just wondering if I'm going to get burned?? or if it's cool??

But thanks - I'll take my chances till they tell me to stop.
well...I'll take one for the team if it comes to it, but I made my fourth IFT in February today. I tried a test IFT this morning INTO S&I FROM G, and it was confirmed. I changed it to something more in conservative.
well...I'll take one for the team if it comes to it, but I made my fourth IFT in February today. I tried a test IFT this morning INTO S&I FROM G, and it was confirmed. I changed it to something more in conservative.

Good for you Futurestrader, Nothing is going to happen, IFT'S AWAY...:D
I will keep trading until they stop me. However;I plan on staying in the I Fund based on my free will. Here is my plan with my TSP. Take the money after 60 and roll into a IRA acoount and buy stock.
it's ok for EVERYBODY to keep doing whatever they want. THERE ARE NO LIMITS!

Thats pretty much what I have decided. NO LIMITS until they threaten me with bodily harm. What can they do? Take your money away?????? Screw em! They have overstepped their bounds and they know it.
If I may ask about something concerning their inability to stop IFT's.
In my letter (I think I'm #2999 out of the 3000) they stated that they
will not stop you from IFT's, but require you to send them by snail mail
which could be done if your flagged in there system. I'm guessing it can
be done (blocking electronic) manually and thereby forcing me to use the
Postal Service. Whats your thoughts on this.