I will look into HSUS because we do have not only our own money but we have raised quite a bit in donations so I will look into this.

I've talked to Beth Ostrosky - I don't know if you are familiar with her but she has put alot of money and time into the North Shore Animal League America and it is the
world's largest no-kill animal rescue and adoption center. Because of the money my family has spent we connected thru people who do this professionally all the time.
We have talked from time to time as to the most efficient way we can best utilize the resources we have so believe me this is not on the back burner for any of us.
My goal for 2008 was the aston martin dbs (I know a little selfish on my part but I'm addicted to cars and racing - my only vice )and to raise as much money as I can personally and thru donations for these poor animals and I don't mean just dogs but all abuse animals. Everytime I go by the animal channel and see the unlimited cruelty of people it just breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes but makes me more detemined to make as much of an impression on this problem as I can.
Hey people - there are alot of folks here and even if this isn't your thing anything you can do will give you a gold star from the big man watching us all.