12%ayear's Account Talk

I hope so, cause i had to put down my big beautiful 12yr old black cat today, dragged himself back to the house with a broken back and pelvis. We are very sad. He was a great loyal little buddy. He was always there for us and we will never really know what happened. (probably a car, even though he was very street wise.) We pick up his ashes on monday.
I hope so, cause i had to put down my big beautiful 12yr old black cat today, dragged himself back to the house with a broken back and pelvis. We are very sad. He was a great loyal little buddy. He was always there for us and we will never really know what happened. (probably a car, even though he was very street wise.) We pick up his ashes on monday.

Sorry to here abaout your cat. It's so tough to lose animals that become part of the family.
I hope so, cause i had to put down my big beautiful 12yr old black cat today, dragged himself back to the house with a broken back and pelvis. We are very sad. He was a great loyal little buddy. He was always there for us and we will never really know what happened. (probably a car, even though he was very street wise.) We pick up his ashes on monday.

Thank you for sharing this my friend. I have a picture of Ella, my 2 year old Labberdoodle (half Black Lab/ half Poodle) on my desk that I frequently show to my patients. I stress to them that I have never found anything I have bonded with more closely than her - she has blessed me through and through and made me a better person.
Eld, I am also sorry for your loss. Time will heal but you will never forget. Our pets are like a God-send that come to teach us how to be better persons.
The only cure for a sad heart is to open your home to another one - my 13 month old Tonkinese realizes her good fortune. She replaces a 16 year old Siamese that was dearly loved. The Tonk is leash trained, likes to ride in the car and my next project is to train her to use our Al Gore legacy 1.6 gallon toilet.

I had to put my 14 year old cat Casey to sleep last year. He had cancer. It was one of my toughest days..but I was glad to be the one holding him as he moved on..I agree with Birch..the cure is to adopt another great friend back into the family..

I'm sorry for your loss.

I hope so, cause i had to put down my big beautiful 12yr old black cat today, dragged himself back to the house with a broken back and pelvis. We are very sad. He was a great loyal little buddy. He was always there for us and we will never really know what happened. (probably a car, even though he was very street wise.) We pick up his ashes on monday.

EF - sorry to hear about your loss. I lost a black lab under similar circumstances. She dragged herself to the house, from one end of our farm to the other. We buried her under a shade tree that she liked to rest under. First pet that I have had to personally put down.
Many thanks all of you for your kind words, they really have been helpful and uplifting, I am very grateful. ....I never expected such a response. :embarrest: Ummmmm..... perhaps this thread should be retured to 12% now. God Bless all.
Many thanks all of you for your kind words, they really have been helpful and uplifting, I am very grateful. ....I never expected such a response. :embarrest: Ummmmm..... perhaps this thread should be retured to 12% now. God Bless all.
hang in there Flatus!! You can use this thread anythime you like...no problem:)
Citi to hold emergency board meeting: report http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/071102/citigroup_boardmeeting.html:) Banks are on sale. They will lead the new rally. Way oversold.
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This is the best time to be in the market. Everything is seems so negative, so many are bailing. However;banks are beaten up too much. The sub-prime mess created tighter lending practices and causing banks to shape up.This is wonderful. Last week, Banks lead the markets to a downfall. Putting that aside, oil prices are about to hit $100...bigdeal!! They are playing games like when the Dow hit 14000 or 13000. It is just a milestone. Oil is overracting and will start to drop. The FED is telling us that the economy is shaping up. Small Caps are the place to be, they are lagging the I Fund by alomost 7%. We are way overdue for a huge small-cap rally. It has been a while and this is the time fo year. Holiday sales IMO will be better than you think. ;) BTW..in honor of our Vets......Happy Vets Day.
Despite my caution...I find myself in Violent Agreement with you...Go S Fund..and you're RIGHT ON saying thanks to the Vets..They deserve a heck of a lot of thanks and more...

12, I like that analogy with Oil at $100 and Dow 14000. You're right. I sit here in absolute amazement as oil continues to rise. The fact that oil is a shrinking commodity wasn't discovered yesterday. This whole thing is outdone and overbought.
Hello 12%,
I had news on today, not really paying attention, but thought I heard that Uncle Ben may be speaking in November. I missed the news, but searched and did find that he is due to speak Nov 6-7 in Austin TX. Links follow... Being it is Chairman Ben speaking, I just thought I'd ask if you have any guess/insight how markets might respond positive/negative (if a guess is even possible).
