< 1 pct. IFT Option

Re: <1%IFT Option

I just posted a article on my Squalebear's Account Thread
and believe that many of you will find it informative and give
alot of the newer members a sense of the basics. ;)
Re: <1%IFT Option

I like what I'm seeing in Asia and Europe. This has little to do with my
<1%IFT Thread but I wanted the thread close so I could find it easier.:toung:
Re: <1%IFT Option


Thanks for providing this info on the '<1%' transaction. It made me some money after my 'Lilly Pad' dump in late March.

I sat here on this MB a while back and blathered about not using one of the valuable IFT transactions for backward trades - and, then I do so. I thought I was the smartest of the smart. Live and Learn.

Time to start playing the Goldilocks Allocation strategy again. I can mentally handle a 20% tanking in the market (a couple of STDs) but that 50% dumping got me spooked. Fear and this site (with the wonderful knowledge available) helped contain the losses, but only I can heal what’s inside. Investing the way I am now will leave me in Alpo on retirement!:p
Re: <1%IFT Option


Thanks for providing this info on the '<1%' transaction. It made me some money after my 'Lilly Pad' dump in late March.
The <1%IFT has been an option since the FRTIB dumped on the
TSP Participants in April 2008. It's not a guarantee money maker,
but it is an option that most of us never knew about. It opens up
the mind to the Market and forces us to question our true risk
tolerance. Many of us would rather gamble on small losses, then
be locked in (G) Jail with little to do but question our decision.

I sat here on this MB a while back and blathered about not using one of the valuable IFT transactions for backward trades - and, then I do so. I thought I was the smartest of the smart. Live and Learn.
...or Live and Burn. One of the smartest decisions I've ever made
was to move furniture between 11:00am - 12:00pm (est). In other
words, sometimes the Best Decision is NOT to make one. Bad ones
end up good and Good ones end up bad. Over the last year and a
half, It's been like we've been playing the Lottery or looking into a
Crystal Ball for guidance. You've been (obviously) more right then
wrong as your up on a YTD basis. Congratulations are in order.

Time to start playing the Goldilocks Allocation strategy again. I can mentally handle a 20% tanking in the market (a couple of STDs) but that 50% dumping got me spooked. Fear and this site (with the wonderful knowledge available) helped contain the losses, but only I can heal what’s inside. Investing the way I am now will leave me in Alpo on retirement!:p

I don't know if it's time for Kudlow's Mustard Seeds to bloom, but
the losses felt around the world spooked everyone. The fact that
you were capable of containing the damage shows you have a firm
grasp of the tools you have available and put them to good use.
Don't heal whats inside of you, as it keeps you honest and out of
harms way. Alpo sounds terrible, but it beats Gov't Cheese locked
in a warehouse for decades. Food for thought. (pun intended) ;)
Re: <1%IFT Option

Access to Account Balances was granted 5 minutes ago.
I wasn't expecting access until tomorrow after 7am,
however, I just logged on both "Acct Balance Only" and
"Full Access" areas of the TSP Website. I don't know if
this is temporary, but it was accomplished moments ago.
Re: <1%IFT Option

<1%IFT Levels "BEGIN" at close of
business today. I believe we'll come
off early morning lows, but the
outlook for the next few days does
not please me. 13 Trading Days left
in April and I'm hoping the 5% in
the (F) Fund gives me shorter time
at risk in the other funds so I can
bail that much quicker.

Re: <1%IFT Option

Ok, today gave us a little surprise compared to the start of the day.
I've marked this day as the last day of high risk by moving my percentages
down to <1%IFT Levels. If my figures are correct, I'm close to being
up for the month of April by +2.1297% . Not quite as good as the
(S) Fund's +10.10% MTD, but hey, I'll scratch and claw my way up
through the use of caution. Who knows, by April 30, 2009 (again)
the MTD's may look a whole lot different then they do now. ;)
Re: <1%IFT Option

Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: 0.00%/ (g) 0.00%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(g)92.00%------>(g)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(f)05.00%------->(f)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(c)01.00%------>(c)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(s)01.00%------>(s)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.i)01.00%------>(.i)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: 0.00%/ (g) 0.00%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(g)92.00%------>(g)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(f)05.00%------->(f)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(c)01.00%------>(c)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(s)01.00%------>(s)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.i)01.00%------>(.i)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Thursday -April 16, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: 0.00%/ (g) 0.00%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(g)92.00%------>(g)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(f)05.00%------->(f)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(c)01.00%------>(c)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(s)01.00%------>(s)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.i)01.00%------>(.i)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: 0.00%/ (g) 0.00%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(g)92.00%------>(g)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(f)05.00%------->(f)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(c)01.00%------>(c)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(s)01.00%------>(s)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.i)01.00%------>(.i)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Week Ending Results: <1%IFT vs. (G) Fund 0.00%/ (g) 0.00%
Re: <1%IFT Option

While doing a evaluation of my <1%IFT attempt to beat the (G) Fund
within 14 trading days, I estimate the need to beat a +0.1239% gain.
That is the figure I would have gotten, if I just went to the (G) Fund.

Obviously, today is not helping my case any. Instead of making +.0070%
(estimated) today in the (G) I expect to lose approximately -.0600% by
days end (estimate). If the numbers hold true as they are, that would
mean I have less time (13 days) to beat +0.1839% before the last day
of the month or May 1st, 2009.

I wanted you to take note that failure IS possible and more likely as the
market goes down. Even though the (I) Fund will outperform the (C) and
(S), all funds will likely close negative. The (F) Fund is down too. Days
like today can NOT be allowed when trying to beat the (G) and there
could be a time when it won't be worth staying at risk, even at 1%. I
haven't reached that point yet, but it won't take many more of this
kind of day for me to concede to a higher authority and go to jail. ;)
Re: <1%IFT Option

Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: -0.03%/(G)+0.07%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)92.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: 0.00%/ (G) 0.00%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)92.03%------>(G)........%----> 000.0000
(F)05.02%------>(F).........%----> 000.0000
(C)00.98%------>(C).........%----> 000.0000
(S)00.97%------>(S).........%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)........%----> 000.0000

Thursday -April 16, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: 0.00%/ (g) 0.00%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)XX.XX%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)XX.XX%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)XX.XX%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)XX.XX%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)XX.XX%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: 0.00%/ (g) 0.00%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)XX.XX%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)XX.XX%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)XX.XX%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)XX.XX%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)XX.XX%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Week Ending Results: <1%IFT vs.(G)Fund= 0.00%/ (G)+0.1239%
Re: <1%IFT Option

Based on my begining balance today (seen & confirmed in below's chart)
I have the opportunity to increase the (F) Fund from 5.02% to 6%. In
addition, I can bump my (C) and (S) back up to a full 1%. Since I must
work with whole percentages during any IFT, the <1%IFT is no different.
I have the option to cut my losses and lower the (F) Fund or eliminate
all the Funds back to the (G) and I'm not ready to do that just yet.

The (F) Fund is at $12.6707 per share and I expect it will take a dip back
down to the 12.50's soon. The last time the (F) sustained the 60's for
any length of time was back in January. :worried:

Bottom Line: I'm uncertain about doing a <1%IFT today. I wanted to
increase the (F) Fund % to the next whole percent. In order to do that,
all funds are affected. But the (F) Fund may have reached its peak at
this stage of the game. The only thing that could override that concern
would be my need to increase the (F)'s percentages towards a better,
more balanced portfolio. ;)
Last edited:
Re: <1%IFT Option

<1%IFT Completed for the C.O.B. today.

New Percentages Come Thursday Morning:


Good Luck To Us All ! ;)
Re: <1%IFT Option


3rd IFT for month this morning

G 61.89---->60.00
F .99---->1.00
C 18.12--->19.00
S 19.00--->20.00******

note full 1.00 point up in S fund from 19.00--->20.00

When using L funds in addition to C,S, and I, this opportunity presents itself more often.
Re: <1%IFT Option


3rd IFT for month this morning

G 61.89---->60.00
F .99---->1.00
C 18.12--->19.00
S 19.00--->20.00******

note full 1.00 point up in S fund from 19.00--->20.00

When using L funds in addition to C,S, and I, this opportunity presents itself more often.

Well I'll be !!!!!!! ;)
I wonder if the (L) Fund truly makes for the ability to pop a Full %
to a Full % (ie.... 19%---->20%) Or maybe the fact that you had
2 Funds enabled to rise, gave you the 3rd fund (S) a release from
bitter bondage ? :confused: Interesting ! Most Interesting ! (Darth Vadar Reference) :D
Re: <1%IFT Option

Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: -.02569% / (G)+.0070%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)92.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.03968% / (G)+.0062%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-

Thursday -April 16, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)91.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)06.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)XX.XX%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)XX.XX%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)XX.XX%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)XX.XX%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)XX.XX%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Weekly Results: <1%IFT vs.(G)Fund=+.01399%/(G)+0.0133%
Re: <1%IFT Option


Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: -.02569% / (G)+.00700%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-

(G)92.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.03969% / (G)+.00624%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-

Thursday -April 16, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)91.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)06.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)XX.XX%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)XX.XX%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)XX.XX%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)XX.XX%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)XX.XX%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Weekly Results: <1%IFT vs.(G)Fund=+.01399%/(G)+.01330%
Re: <1%IFT Option


Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: -.02569% / (G)+.00700%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)92.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.03969% / (G)+.00624%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-

Thursday -April 16, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)91.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)06.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)XX.XX%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)XX.XX%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)XX.XX%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)XX.XX%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)XX.XX%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Weekly Results: <1%IFT vs.(G)Fund=+.01399%/(G)+.01330%
Re: <1%IFT Option


By not doing a <1%IFT today, I put myself in a position to Boost
my Risk Percentages up to the next whole number. Thats adding
a total of 2.95% back into the (C), (S) and (I). Not to mention
the .01% back into the (F) Fund at a slightly cheaper price. At
this point I have accumulated almost a week of (G) Fund returns
in three days (the date I entered my <1%IFT Levels). Yes, since
that decision was made, markets have surprised me by going up as
much as they have. But each time she goes up, I can't help but think
that we are getting closer to that Wall Of Resistance which will not
leave this Deer laying on the pavement like road pizza. I'm not
blinded by the headlights, I'm just trying to survive and eventually
grow up to be just like BULLwinkle. (oops, he's a moose). Close
enough for Gov't work ! Put aside my fun at Birch's expense, we're
still in the game, beating the (G) and keeping our first half gains
for April in tact. We'll all have another opportunity to risk it all in
the months to come. Again, there's still a long year ahead of us. ;)

Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: -.0256% / (G)+.0070%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)92.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.0396% / (G)+.0062%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-

Thursday - April 16, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.0424% /(G)+.0070%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)91.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)06.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Comb. Loss / Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
?(G)90.97%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
?(F)05.99%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
?(C)01.02%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
?(S)01.02%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
?(.I)01.01%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Weekly Results: <1%IFT vs.(G)Fund=+.01399%/(G)+.01330%
Re: <1%IFT Option

By not doing a <1%IFT today, I put myself in a position to Boost
my Risk Percentages up to the next whole number. Thats adding

a total of 2.95% back into the (C), (S) and (I). Not to mention
the .01% back into the (F) Fund at a slightly cheaper price. At
this point I have accumulated almost a week of (G) Fund returns
in three days (the date I entered my <1%IFT Levels). Yes, since
that decision was made, markets have surprised me by going up as
much as they have. But each time she goes up, I can't help but think
that we are getting closer to that Wall Of Resistance which will not
leave this Deer laying on the pavement like road pizza. I'm not
blinded by the headlights, I'm just trying to survive and eventually
grow up to be just like BULLwinkle. (oops, he's a moose). Close
enough for Gov't work ! Put aside my fun at Birch's expense, we're
still in the game, beating the (G) and keeping our first half gains
for April in tact. We'll all have another opportunity to risk it all in
the months to come. Again, there's still a long year ahead of us. ;)

Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: -.0256% / (G)+.0070%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)92.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.0396% / (G)+.0062%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-

Thursday - April 16, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.0488% /(G)+.0070%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)91.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)06.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Comb. Loss / Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)90.97%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.99%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.02%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.02%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.01%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Weekly Results: <1%IFT vs.(G)Fund=+.0628%/(G)+.0203%
Re: <1%IFT Option


Tuesday - April 14, 2009 Combined Loss/Gain: -.0256% / (G)+.0070%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)92.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)05.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.00%------>(.I)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Wednesday - April 15, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.0396% / (G)+.0062%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-

Thursday - April 16, 2009 Comb. Loss/Gain: +.0488% /(G)+.0070%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)91.00%------>(G)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(F)06.00%------>(F)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(C)01.00%------>(C)XX.XX%----> 000.0000
(S)01.00%------>(S)XX.XX%----> 000.0000

Friday - April 17, 2009 Comb. Loss / Gain: .00000% / (G) .00000%
Opening................<1%IFT............Share s +/-
(G)90.97%------>(G)88.00%----> 000.0000
(F)05.99%------>(F)06.00%----> 000.0000
(C)01.02%------>(C)02.00%----> 000.0000
(S)01.02%------>(S)02.00%----> 000.0000
(.I)01.01%------>(I)02.00%----> 000.0000

Weekly Results: <1%IFT vs.(G)Fund=+.0628%/(G)+.0203%