Recent content by Paul

  1. P

    Why the Market is crashing

    Japan: The Rising Yen and the Falling Markets STRATFOR TODAY » October 24, 2008 | 1706 GMT Chris Hondros/Getty Images Summary Equity markets fell worldwide Oct. 24, for two reasons having to do with the Japanese yen. First, the recent jump in the yen’s value has spooked “carry traders” who...
  2. P

    Market Talk / Sept. 14 - 20

    Stratfor article: Global Market Brief: Of Bailouts and ... Recycling September 18, 2008 | 2129 GMT Global Market Brief - Stock<> Global stock markets are in a state of confusion — the word “meltdown” is being tossed around more than a small...
  3. P

    Oil Slick Stuff

    Stratfor Geopolitical Diary: 'Blue Skying' Brazil April 15, 2008 | 0209 GMT Brazil is a rising power politically, economically and militarily. Not only is it South America’s largest country in terms of population, economic heft, military strength and land area, its geopolitical power is...
  4. P

    Market News

    From Stratfor: The U.S. Federal Reserve reduced its headline interest rates from 3 percent to 2.25 percent the afternoon of March 18. The cut was a quarter point less than the consensus expectation of 1 percent and followed on Sunday night’s redefinition of the rules of borrowing from the Fed...
  5. P

    Uniform and Civilian accounts

    My wife was a civilian and then got an AGR position. We were able to move here civilian account into the uniform account but only after her re-hire rights were up. I don't think you can go from uniform to civilian though.
  6. P

    Oil Slick Stuff

    From Stratfor: Fuel Technology: Geopolitically Significant Microbes? March 10, 2008 | 1109 GMT Summary A new alternative fuel technology backed by oil supermajor BP would use microscopic organisms to produce methane from carbon dioxide. If the technology proves successful, it could have...
  7. P

    civ vs mil TSP

    Yes and if you don't need the weekend check just put 100% down to go into TSP and then just forget about it. You get used to not having that little extra money but 20-30 years down the road it's going to be a BIG chunk of money.
  8. P

    Market News

    What do think this means for the markets? U.S.: Stock Exchanges Open Doors to Chinese Banks Stratfor Today » January 30, 2008 | 1408 GMT The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is set to sign a memorandum of understanding with the China Banking Regulatory Commission allowing...
  9. P

    Time Running Short to Adjust TSP Investing

    This is the first year I've come close to the $15,000 but is that for both your military account and your civilian combined? I'm thinking it is.
  10. P


    Yes but they have massive infrastructure problems that need to be dealt with. Most all of their pipeline system alone is 40-50 years old and is crumbling, if they don't start spending money on new ones, they are going to have one big problem very soon. Only thing is, they do not have the...
  11. P

    Air Reserve Technicians / Mandatory Military Uniform

    It's not as bad as you may think. I've been wearing the uniform as a technician for 8 years now and think nothing of it. I wear civilian clothes into work, change into uniform and change back at the end of the day, 4 minutes total. When I have to go to town, I'm treated much better than just...
  12. P

    Oil Slick Stuff

    I've been with them since 99 and they are very good at predicting downturns or other world events. They have been calling for a small downturn this summer here and the last time they did was Dec of 99 when they called for a slide in the stock market in early 2000 followed by a possible short...
  13. P

    Home Networking (Griffins')

    I just wired our place before I put up sheetrock and went ahead and ran CAT6 cable everywhere. You never know what's going to happen in the future and running wire now is easier and cheaper than doing it later. Don't forget to wire for outside security, future appliances, thermostats, etc...
  14. P

    Market Talk / February 25th - March 3rd

    From Stratfor: In March, state-run Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp. (JOGMEC) will begin test production of natural gas from methyl hydrates -- natural gas trapped in frozen water -- extracted from Canadian permafrost. In conjunction with Canada's natural resources ministry, JOGMEC...
  15. P

    Oil Slick Stuff

    From Stratfor: "Kuwait could cut its crude output to counteract falling world prices, Kuwaiti Oil Minister Sheikh Ali al-Jarrah al-Sabah said Oct. 4. Kuwait is the first Persian Gulf Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) member to announce possible cuts in production; Nigeria...