And I wonder what happened to personal integrity?
And work ethic, and pride, and pulling your weight....
I work with a bunch of "newbies" myself. And in a bit of frustration one day,
a co-worker told me the following. Kinda made sense to me.
Today's generation is all about the "me - now". They are into personal,
and instant gratification. X-box and the Internet are more important than
doing your job well.
A large number of their parents could not imagine working for the same company for 30+ years. They change jobs whenever someone offers a "better" deal. Most companies, caring more about the bottom line, move
on with new, cheaper hires as opposed to keeping experienced workers.
These Generation now'ers have nobody at home leading by example or teaching these fundamental values that we older folks have ingrained
in us.
You cannot shame them or motivate them at all. More likely you will get
the blank stare, and a "whatever" attitude. Pisses me off to no end!!
Rant over... almost.
I guess this is probably the definition of a generation gap. We are all having
to suffer through it to some extent. I won't go quietly
Boy your time in the Pines is sure looking good!!!