LOL, no, not all about me. nuances, I was speaking of the parents intent, not mine. what I do with it after I receive it is a whole nother deal-fer instance generous finders fee to the honest turnerovers for starters-like I said. NOT all about me.

Next-trust fund for disabled family members unable to work, mother and daughter-different disabilities. mother won't be around much longer-heart failure, stenosis of spine, daughter needs an adult to watch over her financially the rest of her life-not mentally capable of living independently even by the time she turns 30. need to help take the burden off 70-something grandparents currently carrying the financial load. 30K in a trust fund wouldn't go far, but would help.

Next would be 5K to world ark-helping people feed themselves, only requirement is they pass the gift of self-sufficiency on to someone else out of their production-example a person's given a pair of chickens-learns to do well enough with them to sell eggs to support family, feed family-pass on a pair of chickens to another wannabe chicken rancher, teach the next ones what it take to be successful at raising chickens, producing enough surplus to meet family income needs-pass the gift on. the gift starts with me-chain reaction-we can feed the world.
needs an adult to watch over her financially the rest of her life-not mentally capable of living independently even by the time she turns 30

wait, you got a seester? she got a number?

+45k and a new girlfriend? this lottery stuff is way too cool.
whoa cowboy. the sis is pert near my age-looks nothing like me-talks a mile a minute won't let you get a word in edgewise-youd get flustrated, the daughter you'd regret for other reasons. OTH, I got another seester looks just like me. I got your number.