wwwtractor's Account Talk


I am currently 100% in Fund I because I think the dollar is heading down. Dollar cost averaging new contributions equally into Funds G, C, S, and I basically buying a piece of the whole world spreading the risk.
I got off to a great start with 2.45% in one day.
I just wish that would happen every day.

Thanks for the welcome.
I am collecting Bookmarks and posting them in public at:


If you have good links please post them to my thread and I will add them to the delicious public bookmarks. I find it a very good way to share information by topic.

I also have one for Veterans Administration information if anyone is interested:


Have fun exploring! This is free and anyone can create their own list. It allows you to have you favorite links with you on any internet connected computer anywhere.
I am in Fund I for the long haul. I feel that inflation can not go any way but up. I looked at the history and decided that it was the place to be for best returns in the current economic climate. Only time will tell.
I guess it is not enough that we have bulls and bears stomping around the market. Now we have pigs as well. With all those animals, it is not surprising that we have a lot of fertilizer in the news all the time. I suppose with all that fertilizer, we can expect things to grow. How is that for analysis!

I will be in the blueberry patch for the month of June listening to the blueberry coyote's howling for the accident victims when an ambulance passes. I will also be listening to the birds singing in the biggest bird feeder in the county and possibly the country of one acre.

Message to Uncle Sam:
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

You can win people to your side more easily by gentle persuasion and flattery than by hostile confrontation.

Should I give an Afghan an AK-47 or a tractor. Which would be more productive and less likely to get someone killed?