World Equities markets headed lower - Into G-Fund

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I'm thinking to get out too and come back wed or thursday nex week.

Becouse of options can put a big day down.

u never know:?if that happen u start behind again...:D
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mlk_man wrote:
What do you think about next week Rod? Tom said week after options week is typically low. I may abandon ship for a little bit.................

Historical chartshaven't been faithful latley, have they?

If anything, oil prices may continue to rise. I'll take my chances, though.

I'm staying put.;)

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There is a difference between a truly diversified buy and hold portfolio and following the advice of a stock broker to the point of financial suicide. Loading up on tech stocks and holding through 2000-2002was not buy and hold, it wasgreed and/or ignorance.The 60/40 portfolio that is listed on the returns page is a much better example of a long-term buy and hold portfolio. The retiree mentioned in the article would not have lost even close to that kind of money if he had simply held the simple 60/40 diversified portfolio listed on the returns page through 2000-2002.For god's sakes,he could have simplybought and held Dodge and Cox Balanced fund over those years andposted a positive return.
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Rod wrote:
You just have to be willing to ride out the storms... because the sun is bound to shine sooner or later.

And yes, the storm clouds will gather again... but stay focused on that "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow!:^

That's just way too Disney for my taste! :?

I prefer to go where the action is and to leave before it is too late, otherwise you will be stuck, drunk with the ugly chick. :shock:

:dude: <-- Frizz B.
Where's he been anyway?