WorkFE's Account Talk

By withdrawing my small I Fund Position and going 100% G Fund, I left a little meat on the bone yesterday. Still feel good about my move for now. I am cautiously bullish on the I Fund this year and at least for the foreseeable future it will be my fund of choice unless we get a meaningful pullback.
Who knows. The way things are going people may feel the I fund will be a better investment.
The S Fund is getting crushed in the early going with the C Fund down less so.
The I Fund is floating at or above neutral.
I'm 100% in the garage but in the old days I might have made a play on that S Fund.
My WMT got hammered yesterday. In a way it's not a bad thing, shortish term. In a bit over a month (7 April), it pays dividends which mine reinvest. My shares didn't change, just the value. They also announced a 13% dividend increase, I'm not complaining.