WorkFE's Account Talk

By withdrawing my small I Fund Position and going 100% G Fund, I left a little meat on the bone yesterday. Still feel good about my move for now. I am cautiously bullish on the I Fund this year and at least for the foreseeable future it will be my fund of choice unless we get a meaningful pullback.
Who knows. The way things are going people may feel the I fund will be a better investment.
The S Fund is getting crushed in the early going with the C Fund down less so.
The I Fund is floating at or above neutral.
I'm 100% in the garage but in the old days I might have made a play on that S Fund.
Could this be the start?
While the last few days have been somewhat painful for those clinging to C, S or I funds. They are only down 3-3.5% from their closing highs. Obviously anything can happen but we may be getting into some range boundness for a period. Much like we were a while back
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They are only down 3-3.5% from their closing highs. Obviously anything can happen but we may be getting into some range boundness for a period. Much like we were a while back
Today is not looking very pleasant at the moment and depending how we look going into the close I may have to consider a new strategy, possibly this week depending on how it plays out. Full disclosure, I am currently 100% G Fund. If we are heading into correction territory I may be going long. All 7 fear & greed indicators are flashing Fear to Extreme Fear, sharks are on the horizon but not circling yet. I just need to measure my risk tolerance with retirement in full view. If it's ONLY a correction, what’s the jump off point? 10-11-12%
If I commit to early and it ends up being a Bear market, that will suck as time is not my friend. A correction on the other hand is an opportunity.
It is still too early to make any decisions on these things, I’m just thinking out loud.
My WMT got hammered yesterday. In a way it's not a bad thing, shortish term. In a bit over a month (7 April), it pays dividends which mine reinvest. My shares didn't change, just the value. They also announced a 13% dividend increase, I'm not complaining.
To early WMT, need you to pipe down for another 4-5 weeks.
The DOW and S&P are both down about 3% off their highs with the NASDAQ off about 5.5%.
The S Fund, price wise, looks to be getting into buy territory and the I Fund continues to be the long-distance runner.
For now, I am holding tight in the garage.
We should know some time today what the G Fund rate is for March, which helps me steer the ship aggressively or a bit more cautiously. Friday is busy on the Economic Calendar but there will be plenty of items to keep our interest peaked until then.
We should know some time today what the G Fund rate is for March, which helps me steer the ship aggressively or a bit more cautiously. Friday is busy on the Economic Calendar but there will be plenty of items to keep our interest peaked until then.
Looks like the G Fund took a bit of a cut but not terrible 4.250% for March.
And the I Fund is still the hideout.
The NASDAQ is closing in on correction territory, about 9% off its December high.
The DOW and S&P are roughly halfway off their highs.
Futures are currently down but, as we've seen the last month or so, that don't mean a whole lot. Seems when futures are up, we finish down and vice versa. The S Fund is roughly $10 off its all-time high, under normal conditions I would buy it. I will hang out a bit longer in the G and let things shake out. Days like last Friday make you want to play the bounce, but you have to be a Risk player to do it.
Considered matching James position before noon cutoff but the stones just aren't there. I've seen to many mid-day turn arounds, although I don't think it is in the cards today.