WIND HUNTER'S Account Talk

Thanks to everyone on the MB. I have done very well this year following all the knowledgeable folks here. Wish I'd found it sooner.

Everyone have a Happy New Year:D
Was tempted to play for the bounce in C&S but decided to stay in the harbor another day. Will have a better buying oportunity later;)
cool they have internet at the orthadonist? if i have time i might have a change of heart and follow you i dont have any time to check anything else today
Came real close to going 50-C 50-S yesterday but decided to wait another day. Now I'm chasing again but dont want to miss another rally.
The USM looked somewhat flat today. Didn't want to take the chance for tomorrow so i jumped on the F-train with everyone else. My boat is stuck in the mud, need Fivetears to come pull me out.:D
Nice risk; excellent exit call. Turn them money robbing sea trolls upside-down and shake the cash out of 'em. Keel-Haul the little #$%@'s and feed 'em to the sharks when your done. Well Done. :)