Where's Tekno?

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The last time I talked to Tekno he said something about a home project, remodeling or something!

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Maybe he thought that the situation looked bad and did like an Ostrich ...stuck his head in the sand and the problem would disappear!!!:l Boy, that's cheap of me!!!

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The Technician wrote:
Maybe he thought that the situation looked bad and did like an Ostrich ...stuck his head in the sand and the problem would disappear!!!:l Boy, that's cheap of me!!!

Hehehehehe.... You are funny Tech. You all should see his project. It gorgeous... I know... I've seen it...:P
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Greg wrote:
Has he gone AWOL (after women or liquor) ? :#
LOL....if this market keeps up this crap i will not be able to afford either!

jumping in all the way tomm. if this year ends upbelow these levelsit will surprise me. would meanole greenspan will have to retire with egg on his face.

shoulda woulda couldastayed out sept. and oct completely....hell that's stock market investing 101.now all we need is wilma to turn into a sun shower, a cure for the bird flu, hydrogen fuel cells that reload from a water hose, and a new hobby for those ####### terrorists to engage in.;)


**anyone heard from dave mthe weather guy in key west?
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The Technician wrote:
Maybe he thought that the situation looked bad and did like an Ostrich ...stuck his head in the sand and the problem would disappear!!!:l Boy, that's cheap of me!!!

yes it is.:?

but on the bright side....don't believe any ostriches have come down with the H5N1flu yet.