Wheels' Account Talk

Getting back into the stock funds today, 30,40,30 C,S,and I. If today stays this far down, then I will be getting into all three at a lower price than I got out, which I guess is the idea. Hopefully at the very least we'll get a little bounce on Monday.

Sorry for the late notice to those of you who are doing the contrarian wheels thing (which by the way would have been a good plan for Jan thru Sept of 2005 - but I've been doing much better since then).

You know it's been a while when you have trouble finding your account talk thread. Jumped in today 40 C 40 S and 20 I. Normally I would have gone with more I but I am a little concerned about the dollar.

If today's gains hold, that'll 5 straight days of moderate or better gains. Could be time for a rest. As milk would say, I'm wheelin' over to G to protect these gains. Could be a very short term move.

Probably not a bad idea there probably will be a sell off tomorrow, but the I Fund still may stay green, it doesn't seem to sell off for profits like the C Fund and S Fund do on Fridays. I went 75% stocks yesterday which probably seemed foolish getting in on the High, but being bullish I went the opposite of what would seem foolish. So far it has worked today. I wish jumped in when you did, but I still have made some gains. I will ride through this tomorrow and may go a little lighter in the I Fund for Monday morning. If I see red in the C & S tomorrow I will probably go 100% into stocks with 40 C, 40 S, 20 I for Monday.
Just noticed that my IFT for March 16th never happened. I thought I got the confirmation e-mail . I am at work so I can't really investigate until later today. I'll also have to wait until I see my personal tracker before I know whether this hurts me or helps but a quick glance at the TSP share prices for the past week tells me that it should be within a few tenths of a percent either way so no big deal I guess. For the sake of tracking on this site, I was 40 40 20 CSI when I made the change so I guess I will be considered 40 40 20 CSI starting on Monday the 27th - unless I make a change later this morning.

For the purpose of tracking on this site, you are considered to be 100% G today and Monday uunless you post a change before the deadline today.

mlk_man said:
For the purpose of tracking on this site, you are considered to be 100% G today and Monday uunless you post a change before the deadline today.


I think that's what I said except I used my usual "rambling" technique.

Moot point because I am moving 100% into G this morning (hopefully for real this time). I am hoping today's gains will hold or even increase (unfortunately they are nosing over a bit right now). Hopefully the penny won't pay out early and I'll catch it on Monday.

That's a lot of hoping.

mlk_man said:
You're lovin' this ain't ya Dave? :p

I'm trying not to take pleasure in other's losses, however, yes I'm glad that the pullback has finally come and that it is steep. Now I have to find the right day to get in, and fight off the urge to keep saying "just one more down day".

I know you're not taking that pleasure, that's going on with the "I told you so's". I'm just makin' sure you're still with us. :)

It's been stated before, I don't care what someone can do for one month, it's the longevity that matters..............:D
Wheels said:
I'm trying not to take pleasure in other's losses, however, yes I'm glad that the pullback has finally come and that it is steep. Now I have to find the right day to get in, and fight off the urge to keep saying "just one more down day".

I think another steep drop tommorrow, but how does it play out with options week. Or will that have any affect on the I fund at all. When it pulls back like it did does it pop right back up or flutter for a while, either way I haven't caught my breath yet, my ass is still sore from getting it kicked so badly the past four days.
Moved into 100% I today. This could well be a one day move. C and S are looking like they COULD have a big day. If so I am not neccassarily just trying to catch the bounce in the I because that could be negated by an FV, but rather try to avoid the possible drop in the C and S for tomorrow.

Hey Wheels, yer rollin'. You appear to be one of the very few who captured all of today. D
Dave M said:
Hey Wheels, yer rollin'. You appear to be one of the very few who captured all of today. D

Actually I didn't get the whopping hit in the I today. I moved 100% into the S last week. I posted it in my account but I did not post anything here in my account talk. Still pleased with the S today. I know ebbnflow was 100% I today so he got the hit. BUT he is still in the I and it is currently overpriced by 40 cents so he may lose a chunk of it it tomorrow.

So I look good for tomorrow Dave, I bailed today to 100 G effective tomorrow. I didn't have 100 I but I did have 70 I, 20 S, 10C, I might move it all back if tomorrow starts off red.
I'm not saying the I won't continue to move up. I'm just saying that it will move up 40 cents less than it would have otherwise. I think bailing was a good move. Either way you have got a bunch of money in your account that you didn't really have coming to you. Nice the way that fair valuation takes care of you sometimes.

Stepping into the G fund for a day or two. I'm thinking the market needs to digest some of these gains. I'll be back in quickly though as think we are still heading higher from here.

Wheels said:
Stepping into the G fund for a day or two. I'm thinking the market needs to digest some of these gains.

More like indigestion. Hoping to catch a bounce or rebound from here. Hope it waits until tomorrow to happen.
