Wheels' Account Talk


Staff member
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We'll use this topic to talk about Wheels' transactions and account strategy.

You've played this rebound really well. Nice job! I really like that you are getting out for Friday. You picked up the gains and are now protecting them from an uncertain situation.


PS. Anyone else whostarts an account topic as wheels did, please also create an "name Account Talk" like this one so we can talk about it without cluttering up your account thread.

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From Wheels' Account - Well, I played that about as wrong as I could. Jobs were huge, and previous months were revised up. Bond prices fell through the floor immediately. The futures market wen't straight up. Going into today I was at about 7.5% for the year (exactly.73% ahead of the S fund) and feeling pretty good about myself. Today should change that dramatically.


Sure, bonds will come down Dave, but on a percentage basis, nothing too dramatic (compared to what a bad day in stockscan do). Also, don't be too sure about the stock market. We've had a nice run up into this report and now there will be interest rate concerns.

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I'm not so sure the percentage return will be so small. I'd bet the F went down today +/- a percent. Plus the almost percent I lost by not being in the C and S today. Pretty much goes down as just about the worst one day allocation manuever ever. The I fund was flat today so I'm hoping your I fund strategy will help get me back into the game on Monday.

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Yeah, worse than I thought on the bonds, like you said down about .75 - 1%. But you made nearly 6% in the last week being in stocks. I'd take that trade off. I haven't even made that penny in the G fund yet. :)
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So the clarify today's activity....if you were already in C, S or I you proably did VERY well based on increases in the Dow, S&P and Nasdaq? We who moved more heavily into C and S by today's deadline will benefit from today's activityand/or will webe in good positions for Monday's opening? I tried looking at Frizz B.'s strategy and got cross-eyed! Glad it works for him. Maybe I'm not thenumbers crunching type, other than watching it increase!!! :)
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We who moved more heavily into C and S by today's deadline will benefit from today's activity and/or will we be in good positions for Monday's opening?
Your new allocation takes affect Monday if you transferred Friday morning.
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Wheels, I don't know if you saw what we were talking about in zbwmy's account talk, but if you can update your post or delete your other posts and start over, with the share price (Start over usingFriday's closingprice, let's forget about that one day "blunder") and a $100,000 account balance. Some thing like this...

Effective date 3/5/04

50% C,starting share price = 12.01

50% I,starting share price = 13.60

Starting balance = $100,000

Current balance = $100,000

If you want me to do it let me know. Then if you make a change, figure out the share appreciation / depreciation and the new balance.

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Sounds cool. I'll try to keep up with it but if I don't feel free to update mine. I'll make you know of any allocation changes.

I don't know how to delete posts but feel free to delete my other Wheels thread or move the posts into here or whatever you like.

BTW - Where's Tom's account?

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Well, another one day move that didn't work out too well. I'll be initiating a transfer today (effective tomorrow) into the C and the S (50/50). It's going to take a lot to get me out of there before Memorial day.

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50,000 in C + .75% = 50,375

50,000 in I + .37% = 50,185

Current account balance = 100,560

Effective tomorrow 50% C 50% S (50,280 each)


(Tom, check my math, and, feel free to edit this into any format you like)
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I put you funds on my spread sheet and I have you for a little more money. In the C fund you have 4163.1970 shares. You are really close to the amt. that I have. April 5 $50375, April 6, $50260. In The S fund you have 3720.2380 shares which gives you April 5, $50291 and April 6, $49814 = $100105.
imported post

Sounds good. I was basically doing it in my head. I won't be making any changes for a while so I won't update it every day now.

Hey, found my old account talk thread too. I finished 2005 just under 8%. Nothing spectacular but I'm satisfied considering how far down I was in April and May.

I wish I had listened to myself for the last week in December. I told myself I was going to bail on stocks just before Christmas thinking that everybody would be trying to get out early for the new year. Oh well. It's a new year. Anybody up for 15 to 18% this year!!

BTW, to anybody who is looking over this thread, ignore the dollar balances above. They are fictional. That was the format back then but it got really confusing.
