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TSP vs U-Haul
TSP is a member managed system. TSP will supply the stats about the funds, but it is your decision on transfers and allocations. If you are a buy and hold TSP investor then this site has recommendations on this topic, see Current Market & fund comments/ Long term market outlook (thanks Tom! Good Info). TSP is kind of like U-Haul, they give you all the stuff, but how you get there is your decision.
The TSP accounts have very low expense ratios, so profits are not being eaten up by paying folks to manage accounts, they are basically index funds, designed to track the norm. HOWEVER, the catch, is that most members of TSP are novices to investing (myself included). Information on how best to manage these accounts are basically left up to the members.
Have you seen the TV commercial that has a couple on the beach. The guy says, remember the lake home? With a slight adjustment in you portfolio we might be able to swing it!The guy on the beach turns out to be the personal finance advisor. Hint: One investor at a time, well it's not TSP!
TSP, a lot of people feel is a good system, I agree partially, the system is good; good funds, good stats, but management of the accounts is left up to the individual member investors. These members are soldiers, and government workers, who for the most part are not financial experts. This is the drawback of the system.
Some folks say that this is the system of the future. Some say that financial advice would be too much of a liability, or it would cost to much!
The solution: We must stay informed and take charge of our savings plan. Whether one choses to buy and hold, or another choses to time the markets, whatever, the bottom line, is that it is our responsibility.