What is your Goal?


What is your goal?

This is inspired by some wise words from another thread.

To paraphrase: You won't know if you are successful, (and won't be able to prove it to others), unless you have a goal to begin with. And it's wise to realize that not everyone's goal will be the same! It will depend on each individuals risk tolerance and time horizon.

I'd like to see some of those goals. I'm sure many have been stated or alluded to in other threads, but I think it would be useful to see them in one place.

So, what is your investing goal? (Specifically in TSP, but overall if TSP only reflects a portion of your overall plan).

To start us out, I'd say my plan/goal can be summed up in a couple short sentences:

1) Get what the market gives. Depending on where you look for advice, a diversified portfolio has historically returned from 8%-12% per year in the long run. I want that, so have generally set my allocations and outlook based on a diversified portfolio. To prove that this goal is a winner for me, I've projected my investments assuming a 7% return on stocks, and 4% return on bonds. It gives me a rather nice retirement...end of story! (This goal requires no maintenance, no study, and requires no "TSP Talk").

2) If possible, I would like to be able to miss some of those occasional drops in the market. So far, no joy on this front....but I keep looking for opportunities where I feel comfortable. (This is why I read "TSP Talk", and keep an eye on the market).
To consistantly beat the S&P 500. The further ahead of the S&P 500 that I get the happier I am. Consistancy is the key.
I am using these early years as I build towards a power account to make a determination. If I can consistently beat a 50% S, 50% I - Buy and Hold Strategy, I will continue to actively manage my TSP account, into the future. Otherwise, it is a waste of time. I expect to hit the power account level (400K) in about 7 years.

Therefore, I set my goal at meeting or beating the annual return of the best performing fund with the recognition that I will probably consistently fall a couple % short.

In a few years, when I feel that I have consistently done my best, and have a couple of years of good data, I will make that call.
My goal is to accumulate and accumulate some more until my pockets are full. My target is to acquire at least 40,000 shares of the C fund before the game is finished. How long that will take depends on many factors - the future being the primary factor. At some point I'll start doing a little position trading but not yet. Let's see - 40,000 x $20.00 would be ideal.
Everyone of us should want the best TSP return possible. My financial goal is to retire with a net worth in excess of $1,000,000. And a positive cash flow of at least $6,000 per month.

One has to be careful on the cash flows or Peaches from the IRS will be knocking on your door - your Uncle has expectations you know.
Birchtree said:

One has to be careful on the cash flows or Peaches from the IRS will be knocking on your door - your Uncle has expectations you know.
The IRS is our friend. Or not!

That positive cash flow is after all expenses including taxes. I do pay taxes and keep all receipts in case Peaches wants to do an audit. Depreciation has saved me thousands in taxes. Tax evaders don’t have it to bad; Federal prison camps are like country clubs with racket ball, swimming pools, golf and other amenities.
Re: What is your Goal? Re: Peaches

I have a yearly meeting with Peaches, generally my numbers lady gets me off.
My internet trading firm helps out too.
A bunch of Peaches relatives work in our building, so I get free advice.
Bottom line. In tax-paid account trading, ensure U got good records. Other wise Peaches will be claiming Ur gold........;) ..........Spaf
Gilligan, chasing the best returns possible has cost a lot of people a lot of money, including me. I have given up on that goal; it is unrealistic.

Rather I have chosen a (somewhat arbitrary) dollar-figure. I have only three years to go, so the milestones and waypoints are easily calculable. So long as I am on track I am happy.

Along the way, my goal is to beat the L2040. If I start falling off my curve, and at the same time falling behind the L2040, then I will join it. So far, it is very close.

Goal-setting is not my style in life. I prefer a more lassez-faire approach, que sera sera. (Why does English lack the right aphorism?) Nevertheless I think it is the sine qua non of investing.

Dave M said:
I prefer a more lassez-faire approach, que sera sera. (Why does English lack the right aphorism?) Nevertheless I think it is the sine qua non of investing.

How 'bout "what----ever"

Gilligan said:
The IRS is our friend. Or not!

That positive cash flow is after all expenses including taxes. I do pay taxes and keep all receipts in case Peaches wants to do an audit. Depreciation has saved me thousands in taxes. Tax evaders don’t have it to bad; Federal prison camps are like country clubs with racket ball, swimming pools, golf and other amenities.

...and if they tire of playing 'drop the soap' in the communal prison showers, they can punch a guard out and get a private room with meals delivered, private showers, popcorn and movies on the weekend, mobile library with room to room service, and all the free medical care they can handle. If they want more 'personalized' and tender care, they can swallow a bedspring or a spoon and get their postop 100mg of Demerol 3 times a day for a month. :D
Dave M said:
Gilligan, chasing the best returns possible has cost a lot of people a lot of money, including me. I have given up on that goal; it is unrealistic.

Rather I have chosen a (somewhat arbitrary) dollar-figure. I have only three years to go, so the milestones and waypoints are easily calculable. So long as I am on track I am happy.

Along the way, my goal is to beat the L2040. If I start falling off my curve, and at the same time falling behind the L2040, then I will join it. So far, it is very close.

Goal-setting is not my style in life. I prefer a more lassez-faire approach, que sera sera. (Why does English lack the right aphorism?) Nevertheless I think it is the sine qua non of investing.

Dave M,
Wants and Goals are two different things. I think you misunderstood me. I want to have the best possible return, but that is not my goal. I thought I was doing good by beating the C fund, then a few years ago the S & I funds came out and blew the C fund out of the water. My goal this year is to beat all the funds. Right now the S & I are still ahead of me but I am closing the gap.

Without anymore contributions and a 10% return I will have in excess of one million in my TSP when I retire. I have a lot more money invested in real estate and it growing at a faster rate. So, I believe my goals are low and easily achievable.

BTW, Key West is nice, my wife and I stopped there last year on our cruise.
Gilligan said:
The IRS is our friend. Or not!

That positive cash flow is after all expenses including taxes. I do pay taxes and keep all receipts in case Peaches wants to do an audit. Depreciation has saved me thousands in taxes. Tax evaders don’t have it to bad; Federal prison camps are like country clubs with racket ball, swimming pools, golf and other amenities.

Interesting... Having worked for the Fed Prison system for over a decade, I have yet to locate one of the country clubs you speak of. Can you be more specific?
SkyPilot said:
Interesting... Having worked for the Fed Prison system for over a decade, I have yet to locate one of the country clubs you speak of. Can you be more specific?
The two with the swimming pools were originally military bases but those are now closed. I have seen inmates swimming by flooding their cells. There is an FCI in California, maybe Lompoc, that has miniature golf. I have seen golf played with softballs and bats. Racket ball is popular. Pool tables were abundant a few years ago, I don’t know if they still have them.
To beat Systemtrader by the end of the year!! Yuk YUK!!:D
I'm sneakin' up on him right now!:p
Not to use Spellchecker and not phlagarise to get my point across on this site.Do not read NY Times.Do not watch CBS,ABC,NBC,or CNN.Only FOX.Try to understand why Muslim murderers get all the maidens.Watch the History channel more.Try to figure out why people cannot understand our Presidents true motives,and finally make sure no Democrat makes it to the Presidency,and when I retire in several years,take a trip to the North Pole to see it melt.(Thats what Gore said)
Hello, everyone.

This is my first post, and fittingly, this weekend will be my first deposit into my brand new tsp account.

My goal is to learn as much as possible from sites like these, and hopefully beat the standard 2040 option. I am thinking about DCAing early on, and build a solid base while the stocks are down.