weatherweenie's account talk

WASHINGTON - Days after it got a federal bailout, American International Group Inc. spent $440,000 on a posh California retreat for its executives, complete with spa treatments, banquets and golf outings, according to lawmakers investigating the company's meltdown.
Public pressure and political survival will dictate swift action !
It'll be interesting to hear the crap spew from their corporate
mouth's, in order to explain away this travisty. Work related
convention or such. :blink:
More than five years ago, in April 2003, the attorneys general of two small states traveled to Washington with a stern warning for the nation's top bank regulator. Sitting in the spacious Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, with its panoramic view of the capital, the AGs from North Carolina and Iowa said lenders were pushing increasingly risky mortgages. Their host, John D. Hawke Jr., expressed skepticism.
Following in Birch's footsteps I started buying today.

I assume my positions are WAY smaller than Birch's, but ya gotta start somewhere.

Anyway, I bought some UYG at $7.88 and EXM at $11.41
He is very much a Leader and a King.

You won't go wrong following him..he knows his s***

Trying something new with some found money. The new thing is, buy and hold. At least in this account. :)

The money is for my daughter, who is 10, so the investment time horizon is several years. Possibly as long at 10 yrs.

It's not a great deal of money, but it is still money.