VIX - The Market Seismograph


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VIX Index of Volatility Surges to Highest Since 2003
The benchmark for U.S. stock volatility rose to the highest since March 2003 after the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 343 points and then closed almost unchanged. The Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index closed at 30.83. It reached 37.50, the highest since U.S. stocks began a bull market in October 2002.

Higher readings in the VIX, derived from prices paid for Standard & Poor's 500 Index options, indicate traders expect bigger share-price swings in the next 30 days. The gauge, known as a "gauge of investor fear", tends to increase as stocks fall. The VIX has more than doubled since the S&P 500 advanced to a record on July 19.

The VIX has come within 2 points of 50 on only three occasions in the past decade. The first, on Oct. 8, 1998, came as losses mounted from Russia defaulting on its debt. It reached another peak 10 days after the terrorist attacks in September 2001, and again surged in July 2002 as fallout from Enron.

WOW! :nuts:
...and we recovered every time.
The VIX is testing two lines of support near 20. If we break below 20 the market will go higher. But if 20 holds, then a backtest (profit taking) back toward 25 may happen. Tomorrow there is no economic news so the violatility may be limited with a bias to start working toward new markets highs. Alot of TA's watch the VIX so if the uptrend holds, investors may lighten up alittle more to redeploy some cash at lower prices.

If you want to see want effects your funds,, like this link on support/resistence lines. Or other links about indicators such as the VIX,RSI,volume, or MACD that can be use to help see limited market direction. :)

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Tomorrow should be interesting, and maybe the next few days.

You can see as a comparison after the big sell off this spring, the VIX trended down to fill a 'gap up' for the end of Feb. Then the VIX made an uptrend until it found some resistence. The VIX is about to fill a 'gap up' from the end of July, so it will be interesting to see where we go after that happens, especially now that we have a 'gap down' today to fill.

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More signs of investor complacency.

While some market participants are citing this week's slide in the CBOE Volatility Index as evidence the first few months of 2010 won't provide a major correction in stocks, history says the VIX has almost no predictive power.

Earlier this week, the volatility index—or VIX, as it is commonly called—pushed below 20 for the first time since August 2008. Given the index is often referred to as the market's "fear gauge" and had been as high as 80 just more than a year ago, the push below 20 was met with celebration. Bulls said the drop to a more historically normal level of 10 to 20 proves traders believe the economy is on the mend, with the VIX down another 1.2% at 19.47 on Thursday.
here's the VIX on the weekly charts... as a contrarian indicator, under the cloud is bullish for the markets.$VIX&p=W&yr=3&mn=0&dy=0&id=p53929693439

The size of the red cloud on the right side of the chart is gigantic. We would need some catastrohpic events to cause us to break that cloud... I see a vix of less than 25 for a long time... until it gets into that red cloud i'm buying on the dips. But, I agree we need to see a pullback for the 50 dma or so on the $spx to get the bull/bear seesaw back in favor of another bull run.
The VIX is up over 5 pts this afternoon, to over 27 (from lows near 17). That's quite a 3-day move.
Wow, go VIX go! And to think about how many blogs and who knows how many CNBC'ers were saying, "Short the VIX, it's different this time with all the liquidity sloshing around," at the start of 2010. Yup, short volatility.... Bear trap.
I saw that bull flag the other day on the VIX and was a little worried. Now we see the breakout.

There it goes again below 20. Will 19 act as support? That's 9 down days in a row and I am having a very hard time in trying to understand the complacency among investors right now. All I can think of is IRA contributions at this 'correction' derived from tax returns are serving to provide an inflow of liquidity.
We're now back to levels that sold us off from the January highs. Couple that with an oversold exhaustion gap lower into support and bulls may have something to worry about this weekend.

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Thanks Bullitt-

yes- that is looking a bit interesting.

Monday-- Up? or down?

I am thinking one more day squeezing higher on Monday might be possible, before the cards tumble again.
I'm thinking of buying VXX on any market strength Monday morning.

Has anyone ever traded this VIX ETN? Looks like it can be a wild ride.