Valkyrie's Account Talk

There was already a big rise in New York City, where officials this week started counting people who had never tested positive for the coronavirus. That caused the city’s death count to jump by more than 3,700 on Tuesday.
States can report such illnesses how they want, but the CDC provides guidance. The federal agency often relies on an organization called the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists to help define cases.

The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization originally organized in 1955, founded in 1992, and based in Atlanta, Georgia. CSTE works to advance public health policy and workforce capacity for applied public health epidemiologists in all localities, states, and territories in the United States.[SUP][1][/SUP]
CSTE also provides information, education, and developmental support of practicing epidemiologists in a wide range of areas as well as expertise for program and surveillance efforts. CSTE works with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Department Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and other partners. CSTE is led by an executive board composed of members who lead activities in various subject-specific steering committees.
At the heart of every mass delusion, there's a 'big lie'...

The big lie is a falsehood so outrageous and so obviously wrong,
in retrospect people can hardly believe that anyone took it seriously.

The most famous example of the "big lie" is the Salem Witch Trials, where four bored teenage girls convinced their pastor they were possessed by the devil and that dozens of people in their community were agents of Satan. The pastor, in turn, convinced most of Massachusetts that the colony was inundated with witches.

Even though it's hard to imagine today, some 200 people were arrested over the next year. One poor man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death under a pile of giant rocks because he wouldn't confess to being a witch.

And what happened to those who did confess? They were forced to name more witches. Then they were hanged. Before anyone came to their senses, 30 people were put to death.

We "modern" Americans look back at these events and wonder how anyone could have taken seriously a bunch of teenagers prattling on about witches and devils.

But don't be too proud... A court in Arkansas sent three teenage boys to prison in 1994 for murders they couldn't have possibly committed, mostly because the jury firmly believed they were devil worshippers and thought they'd used black magic to pull off the crime.

And with COVID-19, Americans have become just as irrational as those Salem witch hunters or that Arkansas jury.
What's the big lie today?

The big lie today is that "we" are all in "this" together.

one can read the rest here

opinions are welcomed, that is how we all learn.
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
"Government mandating sick people to stay home is called quarantine. However, the government mandating healthy citizens to stay home, forcing businesses and churches to close is called tyranny,"

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
James Madison
(in 2020 it is a scary sounding virus name from a foreign country)

I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.
James Madison
(how far will they go with the next so called scare?)

Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

It is the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.
Benjamin Franklin

We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.
James Madison
(shut down of the country and our Liberties and destroy millions of lives to save a very few, the same few already sickly that could and do die from the flu?)

The means of defense against foreign danger (virus) historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.
James Madison
At the heart of every mass delusion, there's a 'big lie'...

The big lie is a falsehood so outrageous and so obviously wrong,
in retrospect people can hardly believe that anyone took it seriously.

The most famous example of the "big lie" is the Salem Witch Trials..

I've been disappointed to see this website, one intended for financial discussion and gain, is inundated with vocal radical right wing zealots. Further, these zealots are in government service which should terrify the heart of liberty beating within you. Some speak of tyranny, unfortunately any example provided originates from a radical right wing party or from the position of Christian evangelical fundamentalism. These are both pursuits many here are vocally proud to support.

It is unfortunate for the majority of Americans who do not subscribe to this naive train of thought to be led by a minority that do. Science deniers and Christian radicals abound in government service. In Federal LE, how many "Full Quiver" Christians have I come across? How many "Opus Dei" Catholics in high positions of power have I met who pledge loyalty to the Pope over the Constitution? How many of our leadership furtively attend the same church services together, cementing a religious cabal in the federal workplace? I've seen this too many times to assume it isn't widespread. How many users here fall into those groups?

"Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses" was an edgy song lyric when I was a child. Now that I've seen the faces and heard the radical racist and naive positions of many of you in the military and Federal Law Enforcement..I see now it has manifested into reality.

Woe to the Republic.

I've been silenced by mods and threatened by users here before for objecting to the radical right leanings of this financial forum. So do what you will, my financial decisions come from within. If I receive a ban, my voice silenced, or an account deletion; know these radically conservative federal employees will be the ones who push for civil war, to tear this country apart again in the pursuit of that brand of liberty, as they did over slavery. Your confederate flags, punisher/Molan Labe stickers, and Gadsden Flag license plates show who you really are, and we see you. Your dog whistles are heard loud and clear.
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Be advised, the Name Calling and insulting opinions will not be tolerated.

I appreciate your position as mod, you must deal with many reports per day re: insults, name calling etc.. However, I do ask you or anyone to point out in my post where someone was "called a name" by me or where I "insulted an opinion."

If one feels insulted by what I wrote or that it is directed at them, I would challenge that person to look inside themselves, analyze their positions and politics, and see if they fall into the category of oppressor, while purporting to be oppressed. I did not insult anyone directly, I vocalized my opposing opinion to radical right wing fundamentalism. If radical right wing fundamentalism is the stated and enforced position of this website, then it should not masquerade as a financial forum.

Be careful of the kind of moderation you may be unwittingly providing.
I think what you said speaks for itself. I am a Catholic and love God. o"Full quiver Christians"? Catholics having loyalty to the Pope and not the Constitution! I am loyal to Jesus Christ. I listen to our spiritual leader, as any Christian does when they listen to a homily from their minister at church each Sunday! Constitution is based on Christian principles.. ,What you have said is very offensive! Name calling....its all over.

You state, "Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses" was an edgy song lyric when I was a child. Now that I've seen the faces and heard the radical racist and naive positions of many of you in the military and Federal Law Enforcement..I see now it has manifested into reality.". You may not specify a particular person, but you are saying many of YOU in the military and Federal Law Enforcement are radical racists in the views they hold! Yep...that is calling them racists. Hummm… how many individuals that visit this site are in that category? A majority ..I am sure.

And I go back and read how you opened, by stating you are disappointed to see this website, inundated "with vocal radical right wing zealots". This is all Name calling...most definitely! I hope you are banned because you definitely deserve it!
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I appreciate your position as mod, you must deal with many reports per day re: insults, name calling etc.. However, I do ask you or anyone to point out in my post where someone was "called a name" by me or where I "insulted an opinion."

If one feels insulted by what I wrote or that it is directed at them, I would challenge that person to look inside themselves, analyze their positions and politics, and see if they fall into the category of oppressor, while purporting to be oppressed. I did not insult anyone directly, I vocalized my opposing opinion to radical right wing fundamentalism. If radical right wing fundamentalism is the stated and enforced position of this website, then it should not masquerade as a financial forum.

Be careful of the kind of moderation you may be unwittingly providing.
Posts have been deleted and further such actions will be treated the same, just cool it.
I appreciate your position as mod, you must deal with many reports per day re: insults, name calling etc.. However, I do ask you or anyone to point out in my post where someone was "called a name" by me or where I "insulted an opinion."

If one feels insulted by what I wrote or that it is directed at them, I would challenge that person to look inside themselves, analyze their positions and politics, and see if they fall into the category of oppressor, while purporting to be oppressed. I did not insult anyone directly, I vocalized my opposing opinion to radical right wing fundamentalism. If radical right wing fundamentalism is the stated and enforced position of this website, then why is it masquerading as a financial forum.

Be careful of the kind of moderation you may be providing.

We have had issues with folks being very political back in 2015 & 2016. We tried a separate "political forum" and it worked for awhile and then got too personal. If you want to post an opinion in your own thread, within the rules, that's fine. It's when folks start responding in other threads when it can get a bit personal and out of control.
I think I missed something? This was the last thing I posted which seems to have been removed. I didn't know Founding Father quotes was offensive.

"Government mandating sick people to stay home is called quarantine. However, the government mandating healthy citizens to stay home, forcing businesses and churches to close is called tyranny,"

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
James Madison
(in 2020 it is a scary sounding virus name from a foreign country)

I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.
James Madison
(how far will they go with the next so called scare?)

Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

It is the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.
Benjamin Franklin

We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.
James Madison
(shut down of the country and our Liberties and destroy millions of lives to save a very few the same already sickly that could die from the flu?)

The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.
James Madison