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Couple things. The title says "CLOVID-19", and I don't see any evidence to back their main clam in the entire document, other than that they claim there is a virology research laboratory in Wuhan that is certified up to the level of COVID-19. There is no evidence to show that that lab is the only one in the country certified to that level, and there is no evidence that it was purposely leaked into society. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
No arguments from me; everything (positive and negative) about all of this should be researched thoroughly. Many articles are being written denying any connection to any lab at the same time others point to biological warfare.
Ignoring all the current headlines..., COVID-19 is simply a corona virus. This one is believed to have existed in bats for many decades but got the COVID-19 name (obviously) when it jumped into humans in China this past December. Many research locations around the world dig into corona virus's. The University of SC (I think it was them anyway; can't find the article I read last week) was doing research into cancer/antibody therapy involving several corona virus's in the mid '90s and a few strains were identified in bat populations that had the proper "binders" to be used in humans.