Unable To Obtain Access To TSP.GOV


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I have not been able to access the tsp.gov website for almost a week. Did I miss something in the mail or some kind of announcement? Any info would be helpful.


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tgallegos wrote:
I have not been able to access the tsp.gov website for almost a week. Did I miss something in the mail or some kind of announcement? Any info would be helpful.




Go to home page on this site and click on the tsp.gov link on the left margin. If you can't get to it that way, then you have a problem with your computer or Internet Service Provider. Following are the specs the TSP Website requires for access:

NOTE: This site was developed with the Netscape Navigator browser and is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.78 or higher, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. It uses JavaScript, tables, and frames which may not display correctly on older browsers. It also uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and 128-bit encryption for accessing personal account information. Older browsers generally cannot support the security features needed to view personal account information and, in some cases, have been known to cause distortion of the information on the screen.

I hope that helps..Good Luck :^

imported post

Spaf wrote:
Tell me your avatar is not a chocolate lab!
Yep, that's my Lab Mocha (10 year old female) when she was a pup. We had a male, Dusty, but lost him last year at age 14. They are outstanding critters...we have always considered them members of our family.

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Rod and Dogdaddy,

Thanx for your input...it was my ISP and their DNS servers not routing properly. I thought something was up when it went longer than a few days. Any how switched primary and secondary DNS servers and all is good.

BTW I just found this site the other day and I am glad it is here. I will be lurking the forumsand will pipe in every once and a while.

Tom Gallegos
imported post

Dogdaddy wrote:
Spaf wrote:
Tell me your avatar is not a chocolate lab!
Yep, that's my Lab Mocha (10 year old female) when she was a pup. We had a male, Dusty, but lost him last year at age 14. They are outstanding critters...we have always considered them members of our family.

I had a lab, his name was Chip (Chicken-Potector). Best dog I ever had. Boy, do I have the memories with that dog. Labs are something else!!!

Hello Mocha!

Thanka Doddaddy for the memory! :) Spaf