tsptalk's Market Talk

it's tha loch ness monsta!

I tried viewing this thread in Safari, Explorer, and Chrome, and Sniper's chart appears cut off on the right side in all of them. What exactly is this supposed to be?
I tried viewing this thread in Safari, Explorer, and Chrome, and Sniper's chart appears cut off on the right side in all of them. What exactly is this supposed to be?

You're zoomed in too much, try zooming out, it worked for me.
Wow, the Nasdaq has been all over the place already this morning. In the first 30 minutes it's been up 30, down 24, now down 2.
Now it's down 62. It's still above the prior low, but clearly a warning from this leader. The question is, is the Nasdaq overvalued and investors are just moving to the S&P stocks? Or is this leading index forewarning us of what's coming in the S&P?
Rotation - dull and boring is the only safety until big money decides to throw it back. It's just another opportunity for those that are courageous of heart.
Can you smell that? I think I smell a reversal coming this afternoon! At least I hope that's what that smell is. :sick:
The put/call ratio at 1.5 is signaling a bottom - we could be standing on the bottom right now. Let the rotation begin.
Can you smell that? I think I smell a reversal coming this afternoon! At least I hope that's what that smell is. :sick:
As soon as I posted that, we did get a sharp reversal back into positive territory. I must have gotten that smell mixed up with the afternoon reversal smell. I'm not as good of a reversal connoisseur as I thought. The afternoon reversals are more oaky. :)
I put some skin back in the game today (4/11) both here and our IRA's, but was coming from a 100% cash position in all our accounts. If there is more down (or up), I have an IFT and more in the IRA's to DCA. The goal is to get invested....on my terms.

I wonder, who would want to be invested over the weekend under these conditions?