tsptalk's Market Talk

Falling oil prices are gonna be bad for the stock market they say... Oil down big and a huge up day for the market. Say what? ;)

Loving this USD strength against the euro, just in time for my honeymoon lol
America! F yeah!! :laugh:

It's days like yesterday that I miss 12%ayear (the member) and 350Z. Oh well, we got some great chartists and analysts contributing now even though the IFT game doesn't provide as much day-to-day excitement --- sorry guys and gals I just had to travel down memory lane a bit.

Keep up the great work and good trading to all you guys.
Fair valuation adjustments are made on days when there are large movements in either U.S. equity markets or currency exchange rates after the foreign markets have closed. Fair valuation prevents traders from exploiting “stale”
prices, thus diluting the returns of other TSP participants who invest in the I Fund.

Most of the time it's a UFV, or unfair valuation. :nuts: