TSP Talk Mug Shots!

clear. thanks tom, i was starting to get all sweaty and shaking. at first i thought it was just the chili or snow shoveling.
I still here in Peru. What an amazing trip this has been so far. I'm up in the Andes now and will be here until Sunday. I feel like I've been gone for a year. I WANT MY BED!!!!

Yesterday we arrived in Cusco, or was it two days ago? Ai yi yi!!! The days are all running together. Whatever. Im having such an adventure.

The first two nights were in Urubamba , the Sacred Valley. I went on a river raft float trip down the Urubamba River. Went to a hosted home lunch to experience the local chains if the mountain people. Their diet is vegetarian and on special occasions they have Coy ( guinea pig.) I helped catch the coy, skin, marinate and eat it. I did not kill or gut the little guy. I was going to, but instead, let the the hostess do the honors.

We also went to the Sun Temple, an Inca site, hiked up 250 freakin' stone steps. By the time we got up there I was ready to volunteer myself as a sacrifice to the gods. Dang! That was tough at that altitude. 8000- 9000ft maybe.

Today, we went in a 3 hr. tour of Machu Picchu. Absolutely, unbeeeeeeleivable!!!! Tomorrow, we go back up to Machu Picchu and hike up to the Sun Gate, 3 mile round trip little jaunt. I just hope it's not raining like today.

I've been in the jungle, desert and mountains of Peru. I've ridden on planes, boats, rafts, creakedy old wooden buses and a rickety-rack train. I've been on a canopy walk above the trees of the Peruvian jungle, danced in a ceremony with the Yagus natives...I've done so much more I can't even begin to post it all.

I am so blessed to have had this opportunity to explore Peru. I encourage everyone, if you can, to take a trip over here and find the magic.

here is one pic of the mugster at 11,000 ft. I'll have more to share when I get home.

buenous natchos

** wifi is sporadic at best. the chingadera's are taking too long to upload. maybe, mañana !
nice, 4 continents crossed of the list now: north america, south america, europe, and asia.

do any tsp'rs have plans to visit africa, australia, or antartica any time soon? i'll pay for your mug.

i would like see uluru, and olivia newton john, before i pass but i can't afford either at this point.
new mugshot:

hoe and bible

i got this tsptalk mug for winning a jobs number guess but missed the unemployment guess, but tom let me uprgrade to the new stainless one, for some consideration. this is my fourth mug and i also have four sock monkeys courtesy of dreamboatannie and i planned to take a big ole family reunion photo, but the dogs already ate one of my monkeys at thanksgiving and i've given two of the others away already. plus i can't find one of the mugs at the moment.

so anyways, i call this one hoe and bible. it's a scrap metal sculpture and i tried to ask the artist/recycler about it down at the community center/bar, but he don't talk much. unless you buy him a couple of beers, then he won't shut up. but he still won't say anything about this one.

i think it's supposed to be a tribute to a farm maven, the strong woman who sacrifices and cultivates the land for her family and holds fast to the work and her faith. but i'm not sure because this guy cheated on his wife and left her and the kids destitute. maybe that's why he spends most of his time in the shop welding stuff when he's not at the community center. life is strange.

now i've met some ho's, and read some bibles, but i've never met a ho that clings to the bible. so this is a unique piece. fortunately the temperatures are up into the positive single digits during the day and the wind is down, so things are all right. or at least better in everybody's world around here. that elevator in the background holds a lot of wheat, which is used to make bread, which you can eventually buy at the grocery store with the swipe of a card.

god works in mysterious ways.
A few random shots I took at my condo tonight. The animals love the mug.

I'm still organizing my Peru pics to post. Too many great shots, hard to narrow them down.

Maybe, I'll find time this Sunday. What a dummy I was going back to work at the start of the busiest week at the PO. :suspicious:

Over and Under the Rainbow

Over and Under the Rainbow
Over and Under the Rainbow
It's been 4 weeks since I've been home from my adventure in Peru, and after much harassment from my friends and family, I finally arranged my photos.

This set of photos was taken in the Peruvian rainforest on The Amazon Canopy Walkway we did one morning. The Canopy Walkway is a great way to experience the rainforest. At a height of over 115 feet and extending for over 1/3 of a mile, the Canopy Walk provides a view of the rainforest from the treetops, giving you an unique perception of the wildlife and vegetation. Not to mention the hebe-jebe's if you're afraid of heights and the unsteady swaying of the suspension bridge.... I thought it was a blast and walked it twice.:D The suspended walkway is spread between 14 of the area's largest rainforest trees and is one of the longest canopy walkways in the world.

Amazon Canopy Walkway - Peru Amazon Canopy Walkway
The second set of photos are various shots of the modes of transport from the city of Iquitos to the jungle. You can only get to Iquitos by plane, and then a boat ride up the Amazon River to the villages.

Supplies are sent to the villages and lodges once a week, or you can pack up the babies and grab the old ladies, head down the tributary to the Amazon and make it a family outing.

The 3rd set of pics are of Machu Picchu...what can I say other than it was AMAZING and you should put it on your bucket list.

Machu Picchu


Aloha - Kathy
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Great pictures, Kathy! Thanks so much for sharing, and for the Mug Shots! Looks like it was a very exciting trip.
hey, rmi posted some cool new mugshots. great national service and history stuff. check it out.

you carry that mug with you wherever and talk to it, hug it, throw it, trade it, whatever you have to do rmi, but you come back home, and you come back to us, you hear?
hey, rmi posted some cool new mugshots. great national service and history stuff. check it out.

you carry that mug with you wherever and talk to it, hug it, throw it, trade it, whatever you have to do rmi, but you come back home, and you come back to us, you hear?

Thanks... I will put some very brown pictures up next time since, well, its all brown around there... I was scoping out the area in Google Earth and its... brown... sad :(