TSP Talk Mug Shots!

I hope to win a mug one day so I can post in here...


Maybe I should post shirt pictures... I have one of those :)

I'm getting inspired to refocus on my TSP again, quit worrying so much about building up the outside small accounts. I need one of those mugs for when I hit the Oregon Trail-got to go visit family in the Rockies this fall. Took those Oregon Trail folks months to get from there to here, even with coffee. I could get from here to there a whole lot faster, if I only had a mug...refilled with coffee every couple hundred miles or so...ok, August is my chance to win one before I hit the road, gonna go for it. :)
if I only had a mug...refilled with coffee every couple hundred miles or so...

I think that can be arranged. I'll pick up the tab for the traveller cup if you promise to post a mug shot. You're on your own for the coffee.

Warning, they're so shiny you'll probably want another one, so keep working on your august victory speach. Mine still hasn't been used as a beverage container, i keep it in the box behind the seat in case i run across a cool photo op. My goal now is to get another one for my desk at work. I may even use it to drink coffee.
I think that can be arranged. I'll pick up the tab for the traveller cup if you promise to post a mug shot. You're on your own for the coffee.

Warning, they're so shiny you'll probably want another one, so keep working on your august victory speach.

Well thank you bc. I will post a proper mugshot when time comes, might even post 2-3 considering the territory I'll be traveling through come September. I'll work on the prelude to the victory speech anyway, always had my eyes on the longer term annual number, time for a change of pace, focus on monthly performance and an interim goal for once.
my mug was getting crabby, said i never take it anywhere. which isn't true because i take it everywhere. i just don't take it out of the box very often.

it's still a virgin to the coffee. which probably explains why it's so crabby, especially in the morning. thank you national park service.
my mug was getting crabby, said i never take it anywhere. which isn't true because i take it everywhere. i just don't take it out of the box very often.

it's still a virgin to the coffee. which probably explains why it's so crabby, especially in the morning. thank you national park service.
Mine is sitting on my computer desk with me right now filled with Bourbon and Coke, GOOD Muggie!:toung:
did you know park rangers take their job very serious and can move real fast?

apparently i was in a restricted area on that first photo, i swear officer i didn't see the sign. that gal made nurse ratchet seem like a prom queen after 3 beers at the bonfire.

so when i headed for the fence i think it was just instinct for her to think i was trying to escape the prescribed boundaries. they make the posts and rails round i'm sure to discourage mug shots. and she made sure i understood the sign this time. i don't know if she was referring to us or just trying to make an example to keep the other animals bunched up. but i pay taxes so that's part my fence too honey. so long as i don't cross the line.

i tried to get her to pose for a photo, nope. and smiling was obviously out of the question at that point. too bad, she was kinda cute when she got mad.

i wish they made an nps font for the computer. i would use it all the time.
Jackasses here…jackasses there…jackasses everywhere, even on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Commonly called donkeys, asses, Jacks, Jennets and burros these beloved creatures of Hawaii Island are known as "Kona Nightingales." These donkeys earned their nickname
from their loud braying at sunrise and sunset from farm to farm. They played an important
role in island heritage, especially in the history and development of the Kona coffee industry.
Following WWII, there was a surplus of Army jeeps and gas was cheap (imagine that) so, the
donkeys became unemployed and were abandoned by farmers to the arid lava fields of West Hawaii.

Today there is an overpopulation of donkeys and due to the housing and resort development
in the Kona and Kohala regions , resources in the area (food and water for the animals) are not sustainable for the nightingales.

In search of food and water, the donkeys will feed in the backyards of residents in Waikoloa Village (where I live) the golf course and school. Besides frightening some residents, the donkeys' will sometimes run across the roadways which presents a serious danger to drivers
and donkeys alike. Hence, the yellow donkey crossing signs.

The Humane Society of Hawaii, Kona Resorts and other concerned groups have pooled together resources and volunteers to safely and humanely find housing for the animals.
Many have been relocated to different ranches on the island and to animal sanctuaries in California and Texas.

My next photo of "the mug" on 'Big Island Revealed' will be at Kona Mist Coffee Farm and Volcanoes National Park.

A hui hou !

(sorry - the font is kinda small )
i like it!

maybe we need a new category called tsptalk road sign zoo. one time i saw one that said turtle crosssing. you won't believe how long i had to sit there. couldn't they just build them a tunnel or one of those automatic treadmills like at the airport? and don't even bother honking the horn or gunning the engine, it just confuses them and they stop and stare.

now i'm not advocating breakin out the chop saw or bribing a DOT worker, but if you can somehow get me a sign like that to hang in my garage i'll buy dinner and a movie and cover all related expenses, except for bail and attorney's fees.

Jackasses here…jackasses there…jackasses everywhere, even on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Commonly called donkeys, asses, Jacks, Jennets and burros these beloved creatures of Hawaii Island are known as "Kona Nightingales." These donkeys earned their nickname
from their loud braying at sunrise and sunset from farm to farm. They played an important
role in island heritage, especially in the history and development of the Kona coffee industry.
Following WWII, there was a surplus of Army jeeps and gas was cheap (imagine that) so, the
donkeys became unemployed and were abandoned by farmers to the arid lava fields of West Hawaii.

Today there is an overpopulation of donkeys and due to the housing and resort development
in the Kona and Kohala regions , resources in the area (food and water for the animals) are not sustainable for the nightingales.

In search of food and water, the donkeys will feed in the backyards of residents in Waikoloa Village (where I live) the golf course and school. Besides frightening some residents, the donkeys' will sometimes run across the roadways which presents a serious danger to drivers
and donkeys alike. Hence, the yellow donkey crossing signs.

The Humane Society of Hawaii, Kona Resorts and other concerned groups have pooled together resources and volunteers to safely and humanely find housing for the animals.
Many have been relocated to different ranches on the island and to animal sanctuaries in California and Texas.

My next photo of "the mug" on 'Big Island Revealed' will be at Kona Mist Coffee Farm and Volcanoes National Park.

A hui hou !

(sorry - the font is kinda small )
only thing i like more than creeks is beavers. best of both worlds then. lots of shady spots down that road. thank dog i'm a country boy.
so i was driving across the prairie and...

you guys are not gonna believe this, guess what i saw?

no bullshit, a giant freakin cow!
Another good one! - but did you read the post above yours? :)

why no, no i didn't.

what is this reading you speak of? is that like when you sound out the letters to see what the words say?

i'm more of a visual thinker.

first it was don't post photos in threads, post them in the media area. now it's post them in the media area but link to them in the threads? i must have missed the memo, while i was busy visual thinking or something.

but you're the boss so i'll try it your way. from a phone.