TSP Talk Mug Shots!

Nice mug shots tom. That's two down now.

How did you get two different coffee cups? Owning even just one is still illegal in utah isn't it?

All fifty states might be a problem though, i don't remember seeing a 'welcome to hawaii' sign on the interstate last time i drove there. Maybe konakathy can confirm.
i don't remember seeing a 'welcome to hawaii' sign on the interstate last time i drove there. Maybe konakathy can confirm.
When you drive past the "You are now leaving California" sign, keep going a couple thousand miles. You can't miss it.
When you drive past the "You are now leaving California" sign, keep going a couple thousand miles. You can't miss it.

Oh no, i'm not falling for that one again. It took me forever to afford insurance after the last time.

I like to stop and pee on one of the legs of those signs ever since i dropped through the uintahs into flaming gorge from wyoming and saw a spray paint modified one that said 'yep urine utah'.

True story.
Nice mug shots tom. That's two down now.

How did you get two different coffee cups? Owning even just one is still illegal in utah isn't it?

All fifty states might be a problem though, i don't remember seeing a 'welcome to hawaii' sign on the interstate last time i drove there. Maybe konakathy can confirm.

C'mon BC! I already posted a Hawaii mug shot. And, yes, we have interstate highways here. 3 actually. H-1, H-2 and H-3! :blink:
C'mon BC! I already posted a Hawaii mug shot. And, yes, we have interstate highways here. 3 actually. H-1, H-2 and H-3! :blink:

Yeah yeah yeah, i know. You got a condo in hawaii and frixxxx has a shiny car in california and nnuut has a pool in georgia, but none of those count, it's got to be an official road sign, preferably a 'welcome to' one. But we could settle for any road sign with the state name on it. I am older and wiser now so i don't even think about stealing them anymore, just take pictures instead. It's like hunting, only without the whole kill it skin it eat it hunting part.

Maybe they have something that would do the trick as you leave the airport? Or down at the docks where they ship all the cars in? Port authorities love signs you know.

Not to discourage all the other cool pics too, but i'm working on my tsptalk roadtrip passport scrapbook and i need your help.
I'm still buried at work but i have plans to make a run for the border this weekend or next week. I feel a little guilty because tom gave me this cool cup for free. I still haven't drank out of it. I put it back in its' box and keep it behind the seat now. Makes me feel like i driving around in a cadillac, sort of. I've never driven around in a cadillac but i bet this is how it feels.

I so bad want to be a muggie too.
I'm still buried at work but i have plans to make a run for the border this weekend or next week. I feel a little guilty because tom gave me this cool cup for free. I still haven't drank out of it. I put it back in its' box and keep it behind the seat now. Makes me feel like i driving around in a cadillac, sort of. I've never driven around in a cadillac but i bet this is how it feels.

I so bad want to be a muggie too.

Buried at work? Sounds like there is some commonality with my experiences lately. Is it the end of the FY?

Driving a Cadillac? I did that during the brief period of my Dad's prosperity in the 60s. 1962 model 62 convertible coupe. 390 CI 325 HP 4 speed hydramatic. Nail it from stop in D and it left 30 feet of the right rear on the pavement. DO NOT try to drive fast on a twisty road. Nice car, over rated, coulda had an Olds with the same options.

Now, something called CTS for a years wage? Why would I know.

Which border? I can't remember where you're at.

When you drive past the "You are now leaving California" sign, keep going a couple thousand miles. You can't miss it.

Actually those signs say "check point ahead - all traffic must stop". Both entering and exiting the state. Not sure I remember seeing one at RAT Beach. Maybe the sign is up in sannamonicah.

Too funny! Actually, my car is more Air Force blue then black (like the mug). Yesterday (and today) is the rare condition of rain down here in sunny SoCal. I'll get a better pic with the sun setting over the lake next week.

FYI, the color's official name is Astra Blue. I used to have the color number and the NSN for everything from spray cans to 5GL. Mis spent youth on small installations where you do your job plus be VCNCO.

Gotta go, work tomorrow, or more correctly training. Got to see some really cool vids today about arc flash and protective grounds.

Seriously, if any of you ever deal with opening panels from 120 , 480 to 50 kV, think about and wear PPE if in doubt. Especially if investigating a fault. If there is a superior around who insists on opening it, let the superior open it and stand back. Rember the MAD.

Tom, what does the mug provider call the color?

I hope this post does not get anyone banned. If my posts do get anyone banned, is it for ever?

Tomorrow I get to blow the dummy and try to remember whatever the CPR count is this year.

Which border?

Sometimes i can't remember where i'm at either. But that's usually on purpose, it's a coping mechanism they tell me. Whatever that means.
Can your posts get someone else banned? I don't think so, it's a personal responsibility thing. But your posts can definately get you banned, trust me on that one (get it? Uban? Like the coffee? Just trying to stay on topic here).

Like my dad used to say 'if you did it you will pay, if someone else encouraged you to do something stupid and you were dumb enough to do it you will pay', pretty simple right? Mom on the other hand had a bit different take on things 'if you are riding around in a car and everybody else but you is throwing eggs you will pay'. But mom... 'no buts about it if you were there when it happened you pay'.

Can you get banned permanently? That would be up to tom i suppose, but birchtree might be able to answer that one.
Gotta go, work tomorrow, or more correctly training. Got to see some really cool vids today about arc flash and protective grounds.

Yep, saw many of those videos in training sessions.

Seriously, if any of you ever deal with opening panels from 120 , 480 to 50 kV, think about and wear PPE if in doubt. Especially if investigating a fault. If there is a superior around who insists on opening it, let the superior open it and stand back. Rember the MAD.

Long beforecurrent required PPE and "arc flash" safety we used to reinstall 2400V fuses into an energized buss wearing high voltage gloves and a hotstick.

Tomorrow I get to blow the dummy and try to remember whatever the CPR count is this year.


New proceedures do not require mouth-to-mouth just CPR but at a little faster pace then previously taught.
So north dakota is down. 4 / 50 = <10%. Seriously? Either y'alls too tight to win one, too cheap to buy one, or too lazy to drive. It was a nice day for a drive.

I hear them ND boys can grow some grain. Which is like food, except without the plastic processed wrapper you get at the store. But crops attract pheasants. Which attracts good ole boys with shotguns. Which explains if you look closely why the capital N and D is peppered with lead shot. That bird must've been flyin fast cause there weren't no feathers 'round.

Now i don't know who would do that, but i do know why.

Cuz, they can.