TSP Jail

well, looking through the tracker i see by YTD returns there must have been more of you along for the ride. i haven't been watching the tracker for recent trades, so apologies in advance if i misname you, new sticky pants gift certificates to follow.

if you don't want one best let me know now.
no offense to those that follow, but i have to admire your fortitude.

there's lots of noise out there, if you time the market but are wrong then you're a 'fool' and should be indexing, but if you index and don't get out at the right times then you're a 'fool' too.

don't worry about all that, just do what you do because it's what you feel you need to do, no matter your reasons.

and above all, don't panic.
thanks for the pic you posted in account talk thread, i'm gonna use it as my avatar if you don't mind.

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if you tuff out the legal situation the way you tuff out the investing one we're facing, i have no doubt you will be long-term succesful in both.
there are a few others that deserve honorable mention but either they don't have a picture or i can't seem to work with it.

this is a fine boat we're in guyschultz, fishalaska, and fireweathermet, welcome aboard.

don't matter anyway, the cashier won't accept them unless they match the jail card id, available on request.
man this market's on my six hard,


good thing my neighoors got gold.

Almost needed it Burrocrat.

Thanks in advance:p