TSP IFT's Daily impact

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Well-known member
Does anyone know if statistics are kept on how much money is shifted in the TSP on a daily basis?

Does anyone here believe that if there is a heavy shift (enough money transferred)in the TSP towards one fund that it has an impact on the share price of that fund?

If yes is the answer to above question, and IFT's must be in by noon Eastern, couldn't someone at TSP see the action that is going to happen next day and use that info somehow? Personal investing outside of TSP. It seems stats could be compiled to show the next days investments. I wonder how many TSPers actually are taking an active interest.
I would assume many are on autopilot with dollar cost averaging - seems a very sensible approach. This provides ample opportunity to lean the markets while accumulating a power account. Once achieved the possibility exists to really open the throttle and pull down serious multithousands of green dollars. There is so much potential to really make some swing trade money - but you need money to make money. And that requires time in grade.
The TSP contributions every other week appear to have a very small but significant impact. You are looking at millions systematically invested from federal employees. I doubt that our swinging/timing of TSP trades have any effect.
Birchtree said:
while accumulating a power account.

Birchtree, I've heard you mention power account before and that you reach that level at 4k. What does having a power account mean? Just having 4k in your account or is there something more to it. If you described it before, just point me in the right direction.
IMHO - a power account should be at least $400K - not a $4k position.

Once above that level one has the potential to purchase 30,000 or 40,000 shares of a fund or more. And if you leverage positions at 100% the dollars can add up quickly. These power guys are here - some waiting - some involved to the max - some playing with only half. But you can visualize the opportunity that is presented if the timing is set. I plan to be over $500K by the end of the year with no great shakes. My basic goal is $1.00 gain in the C fund plus dollar cost averaging. Next year I'll try and take it up another notch to $600K. The beauty of this system is it doesn't have to end when you retire - you keep on the game to make more growth as you draw down. But as a position trader one has to remain vigilent and move when necessary - perhaps in 2008 or later.
Birchtree said:
least $400K - not a $4k position.

My bad, I meant $400k.

From your answer, I infer that $400k is an arbitrary amount that you have affixed to the term power account and that it is not an actual term used by TSP.

Why $400k? Why not $100k or $1 million?
It is arbitrary, but it truly hurts to lose 10K in a day (-2.5% of 400K). People tend to become conservative, and diversify a lot with those amounts. However, it is also very powerful to see your assets increase by that amount in a day.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I guess I prefer not to think in terms of dollars because that might impact my movement. It is better to think in terms of long term gains not day to day. Day to day thinking will keep you up at night. It may hurt to loose 2.5% today, but if you beat S&P 500 for the year, you are better off than being 100% C-fund or 100% G-fund. IMHO.
Master said:
It is arbitrary, but it truly hurts to lose 10K in a day (-2.5% of 400K).

He picked it because it's how much he has. Furthermore, he doesn't care how much he loses because he thinks a few $577 contributions at the lower price will save him.


You forgot the extra $5000 for my silver back plus match. Over 50. My last purchase was done at $14.07 and unfortunately this week I'll probably have to pay more. The profits will fluctuate but you only lose when you do an IFT to another fund - otherwise the money is not being spent or cashed. Profits are like the tides - rolling in and out. But the trend to this point remains up - and I'm content owning the undervalued play. The C fund is poised for a serious breakout run - and if I have to wait longer that's OK - my dollar cost averaging is my silver lining.
The 'Power Account' Myth

I’ve been hearing rumblings about some mysterious ‘power account’ that has, according to its owner, supernatural ability to gain MEGABUCKS. Being the inquisitive type, I called my schmuck buddy up on the phone today and explained to him what I’ve been hearing and asked him if he had ever heard of such a thang. Here is his reply:



That is the biggest bunch of BS I’ve ever heard. Whoever is throwing that ‘power account’ stuff out there for public consumption is full of himself. Listen Wimp, I’m a former schmuck, but at least I’ve the integrity to own up to it and let me tell you that the schmuck spewing that garbage hasn’t a clue about what he is talking about. First of all, if there was a ‘power account’ as you describe it, it would be valued at $800,000 instead of a measly $400,000…he, he, he. Whoever this jerk is, he is a ‘wannabe’ schmuck rather than the real deal, like my former self. Secondly, people with real money don’t measure their investment gains in dollar figures, they measure their increases in percentages and let the dollars take care of themselves. Measuring one’s increase in dollar terms versus percentages is the surest way to lose money in the world. Why is that you might ask? Because it makes its victims mentally lazy. Instead of getting the calculator out and crunching numbers they tend to fall back into the groove of the masses and believe me…the masses are asses. This schmuck is impressed with himself and falls for the glitter. I bet he owns a vet, wears a gold chain around his neck (and probably thinks of himself as a gold investor for doing so), and combs his hair over to cover his bald spot. He, if he is like most schmucks I know, is still living with and mooching off his parents and his ‘power account’ is the money he is waiting to inherit from his parents when they croak. How disgusting! Anyway, there are schmucks out there who are exceptions to the rule and this ‘power account’ schmuck may be one of them…but, I wouldn’t count on it. I think he is ‘All Hat and No Cattle’.


Your Friend and Former Schmuck


There you have it folks…straight from the mouth of a former schmuck. The myth of the ‘power account’ exposed in all its hideous glory, once and for all.

I have a power account, it's called my piggy bank. When it gets full, I go cash it for green and then throw that into my "secret hiding place" because one day, and you know it's coming, those illegal aliens from outer space are gonna start blowing up our satellites and mess up all our electronic gadgets. At least I'll have enough cash on hand to be the "last man standing".

Take that Shania Twain! (she once told me "not if you were the last man on Earth").....................:p
Tak, tsk - that was wonderful entertainment; such a story teller. He does have a certain level of talent - just not at investing. The term envy comes in all proclivities and Whimpette was essentially describing his own demeanor. He demonstrates the epitome of envy. Instead of a haranguer he would be more productive of his talent as an essential certified asswipe.

I could be more graphic but I'm resolved to remain on my best behavior.

Dennis - permabull #1

Thanks for the Schmuck link. My wife works crosswords daily and calls me names of things I know not what they are. She has called me Schmuck before and after reading the definition I do fit the mold on occasion. I will inform her this evening to knock off the Schmucking attacks.

TA Update

1 75% short the DOW
2 Shorting the QQQQ’s
1 Shorting the Russell 2000
2 60% to 70% long ETF’s
1 25% long
2 Cash

Sell signals were generated the last two days. Again this is not my personal opinion. It belongs to the TA’s above. I did join Tom today for a play at some bonds, and went long on Japan after the 2.8% pullback 2X with Profunds. So far positive in the trade. UltraJapan UJPIX @ 70.33 per share.


Good trading/investing!

Henry is close to 11,400! What will he do?
Birchtree said:
Instead of a haranguer he would be more productive of his talent as an essential certified asswipe.

Dennis - permabull #1

If you could just point me to the spot, I would be more than happy to oblige. From where I sit the 'begin point' of the task presents unlimited opportunities. You know...so much ass and so little time.:confused:
The original title of this thread was TSP IFT's Daily impact. However, recent posts have taken it off topic to arguements about power accounts and some questionable language.

The thread is now locked.

RE: Posting improper or off-topic messages / language.

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