TSP.gov Site down this morning (3/2)

July 3rd - TSP site down this morning.

I didn't get the email indicating that my IFT had been processed (I made IFT afternoon of 6/29), hoping to get back into market this morning 7/3. I can login but can't really do anything else, IFT and Contribution pages are down, and I can only see account balance from 6/29.

Let's hope it is functioning in time for folks to make a change if they need to. Good luck.
TSP has following message up:

Due to a technical problem, information in the My Account section has not yet been updated. We are correcting the problem and expect to have My Account updated later today.
Just wanted to post this since a google query brings up this thread.


This account access is not currently available due to security concerns. Please contact the ThriftLine at 1-877-968-3778 (TDD 1-877-847-4385) if you have any questions or concerns.

Means either an IP discrepancy (IP address changed during your login) or that there were excessive failed logins to your account. The first is for people who feel they need to use non-US VPN's for every site.

The second may or may not be a malicious actor. If you use an aggregator such as mint to link all your accounts together, you could end up with the site being bombed by requests. Since Mint will have your credentials, but not the 2FA verification code, the site sees it as an attack of sorts. I also think that incorrectly entering a 2FA verification code multiple times would do it.