Nice mature tell everyone to get out, you tell everyone to get in, you tell yesterday is gonna be bad, you tell everyone today is gonna be bad, you talk, you talk, you talk, one is making money following you. Bottom line!!!!!!!!!
Your a walking, talking contradiction who pays 46% income tax, gives 60% to charity, is 6'8" and apparently hurts your hands to bend over and type?, your a future hedge fund manager, meaning you only make money when people buy your fund thinking the market is going down, you go to Walmart and you're the only one their, you have 8 million in your TSP accout(hence the 84873.3764 you made with the penny gain the other day, or so you said), you have individual stocks which apparentlly you
never lose money on, you have a "newsletter", you have an account here yet never post your moves in it, you make rude remarks directed at women on this site.........I think's that's enough for now...........basically all your comments are just......
Basically, your not Morpheus, Morpheus has put you in a dream state and your dreaming, either that, or we are all sleeping and having a night mare........