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clester wrote:
I agree. I've found that I should usually do the opposite of what my gut says. Probably because everyone else is thinking the same way.;)
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tuesday I will be 33c 33s 34I unless monday tells me not to. Does this sound crazy? :*


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Instinct can be a goodthing, boys & girls.;)

It just may do you well to trust it at times.

How many times have youexclaimned to yourself, "I knew I should have...!!!"???

Sometimes you just gotta go with your gut!!!:^
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tsptalk wrote:
to be successful you have to ignore your gutand trust yourinstrument panel, as they say.
Totally disagree!

God gave you that "gut instinct" for a reason.;)


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Rod wrote:
God gave you that "gut instinct" for a reason.;)
lol. As long as we have something else to blame. When I am wrong I can blame my indicators. When you're wrong, you'll have to have a little chatwith God. :D

I guess there is a difference between gut feelings, and emotional decisions. Emotion decisions are thereal killers. We could probably talk about that one for a while.
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To use "gut instinct" on a regular basis to making stock decisions. Interesting concept, but one I don't have the guts to do.:u

I would say a combination of all would probably be the best approach.
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tsptalk wrote:
I guess there is a difference between gut feelings, and emotional decisions. Emotion decisions are thereal killers.
There sure is!;)
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we'll seewhat happens today I'm currently 25% across except F. Maybe go 50 s 50 I tomorrow. I kind of like the administrators theory. Haven't been burned too bad yet. wait and see. I hope eveyone has a very good week. Good luck ya'll. I'll babble later. what does mana mean? cindy, Tom, spaf, clester, cowboy Shoot me some stuff


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Hi Dakato, You can reward a person on this board with mana if you think that their post was excellent anddeserved a merit. You can award mana by clicking on the person's name and a window will open that will allow you to give mana. The mana will turn green.

Good luck to you with your fund allocations. Hope you see some green.


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ou81200 wrote:
To use "gut instinct" on a regular basis to making stock decisions. Interesting concept, but one I don't have the guts to do.:u

Sometimes my gut says to buy but it turns out it was just gas.


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thanks cindy, Hope I learn enough to get mana someday, but I appreciate all that you kind people can tell me. I watch everyday the news and the tsp talk, so maybe it will soak in and give me a little advantage. Thanks again ya'll
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My opinion is the markets are dropping today and will continue to do so and trend now the same way they have all year! So that means S, C & I may all slide some more by the end of the week or next week! Good luck!
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The market is teasing me - it almost dropped far enough for me to take advantage and move my G fund holdings back in, but then it went back up. If it's down tomorrow like it is today, and it's down the following day during the morning trading, I think I'll move back in at that point...
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I don't think I'm going to be in a big hurry but it could do that as it has before. It went down big for about 4 straight days and if it is in the same old trend it will be like MT stated, and go lower then the low last time.