Time of posts


Well-known member
At first I thought my regional settings got changed, but I see the correct time in the upper right corner when I'm browsing the site.

Everyone's post is saying that it is an hour more than it really is. I hope its just my browser!
Mine is OK if I'm logged in, if not it's not right. Doesn't know who you are and what time zone you are in!:D
Yeah, it must be the computer I am on right now. I just made a post and it said it was posted an hour from now. Back at my hotel room, it gives me the right time. It doesn't even matter for me. I was originally concerned that the site had the wrong time and the tracker would get out of whack.
Yeah, it must be the computer I am on right now. I just made a post and it said it was posted an hour from now. Back at my hotel room, it gives me the right time. It doesn't even matter for me. I was originally concerned that the site had the wrong time and the tracker would get out of whack.


How about this scenario:
You are using an agency computer. While logged into the agency network, it senses the clock time and recognizes you are in the central time zone, therefore when you post from on the network, the time is correct. The internal clock says it's posting from eastern time, when in fact you are on central time.

However, when you are back at your hotel, the laptop is no longer getting timing from the network, and so it reverts to it's parent mode clock (east coast time), and therefore the time matches.

You set time zone in TSP profile. However, your internal clock on the agency's computer reverts to the place that it thinks it is supposed to be, when it is not connected to the network. For you, that's eastern, and an hour off.